As bad Decisions

489 13 1

Aries- Listening to loud music at night

Taurus- Helping too many people at once

Gemini- hacking nudes

Cancer- sleeping through the apocalypse

Leo- becoming famous as a joke

Virgo- wearing to much black in July

Libra- writing an essay late

Scorpio- summing satan

Sagittarius- doing drugs

Capricorn- ignoring intensive pain

Aquarius- not wearing socks

Pisces- midnight snacking

Hey Guys!

So this is Number 200! Thank you for reading this zodiac book! Sorry that I forgot some signs in chapters but it just I didn't see them and I really don't want to go back to the chapters and redo them. 

I am not that sure if I am gonna keep going with the zodiac books and make a third one? I had no plan but things got in the way and ya. But if I do you guys will know.

AGAIN thank you for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day! 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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