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I got tagged the helenr28

-Must be titles Lit
-You cannot refuse
-You have to tag 15 people
-Cannot replay the comments
-You have to do it within a week or endure the consequences (the punishment for not doing it to upload a video of you dancing)
-Write 13 facts about you

1- I consider myself mostly Italian because I been told I'm italian the most by my family.
2- I hate how my mom puts every window down in the car and turns the music up really loud and tries to talk to me whem I sit behind her.
3- I'm artist when I want to be.
4- Stubborn as fuck.
5- I drink way to much soda.
6- I hate flowers.
7- I smoke weed with me parents. DON'T make a big deal about it!
8- I was never up to date with the hottest things.
9- I don't get a lot of sleep.
10- I'll fuck you all.
11- Sometimes a hate my family.
12- Sometimes I pretend to like stuff.
13- I love chocolate.

I tag....
2- BMO1413
4- Bloodrose_100
6- liamwantsacookie
7- Selena_is_a_panda
8- margy_rose3
9- NotAn11yearOld
10- anaverageRuby
11- 15smile15
12- immarriedtoSM

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