Me was tagged

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Sorry but this isn't a Zodiac update.

Tagged by MikuLi

My Questions

1- Zodiac sign


2- Favourite Color

Black duh

3- Do you play video games? If so what?

I do play video games! Ummm I played Call of duty modern warfare day zero but me been playing Witcher and the resident evil 2

4- pets? How many

3 cats

5- You watch anime? What's your favourite

I did watch Aviator when I was younger same with Dragon Ball Z

6- What does your wattpad name mean/represent

Lets see, Raven? I have no clue actually I never have anything thought about it

7- Favourite song

There's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet by Panic! At The Disco

8- Favourite number


9- Do you draw? What style/styles

Love to draw! I guess a cartoonie style

10- Favourite social media site


11- Favourite subject in school

Lunch what else

12- would you rather: never understand the concept of time or never understand the concept of life

I guess never understand the concept of life

13- would you rather: burp confetti or fart glitter

This is actually tough, i could shoot glitter out of my ass but the probably is underwear it would get stuck and it would be a huge mess. So I would rather burp confetti Atleast it would be a party

Humans that have been Tagged!















- post rules
- tag 13 humans
- The tagged humans must answer 13 questions (which would be below) with in a week (you cannot refuse)
- DON'T comment answers within this book, post this is your book or make a New book
- have to answer within a week or........
10 years of bad luck
-mention the human who tagged you


1- Favourite color

2- what is your most favourite TV show ever

3- how did you find wattpad or who showed you it

4- Favourite Song

5- Do you play video games

6- Coke or Pepsi

7- would you rather: Stuck in a room with people who haven't taken a shower in 4 months or be stuck in a room with dead fish

8- Night or Day

9- Pets? How many

10- Would you rather: be stuck in a heat wave or a snow storm

11- Do you Draw

12- What is your favourite book on Wattpad

13- Favourite Band

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