How to summon the signs

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Aries- Fire, Satanic circles on the floor with chalk, goats blood, and a human sacrifice

Taurus-Lays límon chips and something shiny

Gemini- sacrifing an IPhone 6 plus

Cancer- a crying baby and a thrift store sweaters

Leo-with an Ouija board by tauting them

Virgo- spray Windex 3 times and call for them

Libra-too busy wondering if they should show up or not

Scorpio- surprise! They're already there!

Sagittarius- Being a milkshake to their grave

Capricorn- Insult them

Aquarius- Honstly who knows

Pisces- just cry over their tombstone

Hey guys!

So. Fire, Satanic circles on floor with chalk, goats blood, and human sacrifice. *noddes head* what I'm I Satan? Or a very sepcial demon?

Brother- "Your special alright!"

"Shut up dick muncher!"

Brother- "Mom! Did you here what she called me! Hit her! Don't call your loving brother that!"

My mom will just shake her head, sighs, and leaves the room.


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