Saving My Princess

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-Valenetino's pov-

I put Paisley in the car and we ride back to the beach. I love her so much. I cant believe she wants to share a room with me. Im so happy I get to share a room with the one I love. Of course I don't so my excitement. That would just be weird. We pull up to where I usually park the car and in that spot was waiting a person I was wishing to never see again.
"Paisley, love, Stay in the car. " I tell her. 
She nods her head and stays put. Good baby. Later I promise I will make this up to you but you do not know this yet. I get out of the car and instantly he starts talking bull. 
"Hand over my girl." He tells me. 
"Your girl? Are you the one she asked to be hers? Are you the one she is living with? Are you the one she trusts? Are you the one who gets to sleep with her at night? Are you the one she calls her babe?" I ask him when I fully well know the answer. 
"I said hand over my princess fool." He says as he looks me dead in the eyes. 
"Sorry, No can do." I say as I prepare myself for him to start trying to punch me. 
As I predicted he tries to throw a punch at me but I catch his fist in my hand. Did that hurt? Yes, yes it did. Do I show that it hurt at all? No, no I don't. His face fills with terror as he realizes what he has done. Just last week we were still best buds. He has seen me fight and he knows that I can destroy him. 

"This is your last warning , Oakley. Leave or have me send you to hell." I tell him venomously I look him dead in the eyes. 
With his fist still in my hands he looks at me in my cold stare. He isn't winning this one and he knows it. I can tell by the way his legs are shaking. 
"Make me back down, you bastard." He yells at me. 
I let go of his fist and and as expected his other one comes flying at my face I block him. His other hand that I was just holding comes at me again and I block it. This continues for about four minuets until he trips me up and uses the same hand twice. I thought he was going to hit me so I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. I hear a scream. That scream is not mine. I and that scream was to high pitched to be a mans. I open my eyes. There before me lays my princess with her hands against her face and tears in her eyes. 
"Now I am going to send you where you belong." I spit at Oakley. 
I pick paisley up bridal style. He hurt my baby. I am going to take care of her and then he is going to pay. 

-Paisleys pov- 

He tells me to wait in the car and I do. For about 2 minuets. I don't want him to get hurt. I love him so much.  They keep fighting back and forth yelling crap I'm not paying attention to what they are saying I'm making sure Oakley doesn't touch my babe. He keeps trying to punch him but he keeps catching his fists in his hand. He catches my babe off gaud and before I know What I am doing I throw myself in front of the punch. He hits me right in the eye. I stay down. What the heck did I just do? I protected my babe thats what I did. 
"Now I'm going to send you where you belong." Valenetino says to Oakley colder than I have ever heard him say anything. 
He picks me up bridal style and puts me in the shotgun of his jeep. I pass out and the next thing I know I awake up in the parking lot of the hospital. 
"Come on baby, I'm going to make sure they take care of you." He helps me climb out but immediately I get a pounding headache. 
He noticed me wincing he picks me up and I notice I can't open one eye. I close my other eye and trust myself to Valenetino's care. 
"I need Dr.Grey, RIGHT  NOW." Valenetino shouts in the hospital. 
I have no clue what is happening my eyes are closed but I can hear some crying. I hear the beeps of random machines. I can smell the weird clean smell of the hospital. I can feel Valenetino's heart beating very very fast. 
"I'm right here Valenetino." I hear someone say.  
Valenetino runs to the voice and next thing I know Im in a room on a bed with a ice pack on my eye to help with swelling. 

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