Bye Oakley

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-Paisley's pov- 

Valenetino tells me it can be a date. The moment he kissed me on the forehead I knew it had to be him. He can protect me. He can cuddle like no one else. He is so cute. His blonde hair and brown eyes can make me melt like its nothing. One glance at me and I am done for. When he runs his hands trough my hair as we hug. I just know that we are meant to be. Right now I am in his arms. Right now I am where I am meant to be. Should I ask him out or should  I see if he does. Wait are we already a thing? We haven't talked about it. 

"Tonight at the dinner can we talk?" He asks me as if he is reading my mind. 
"About what?" I ask. 

"About...well you know." He says. 
"Yeah, I would like that." I respond.
"Come on, I want to show you a place special to me." He disconnects our hug and holds my hand as he says this.
We walk down the drive way of Oakley's house. He lives in a big house. It looks expensive. I didn't know he was rich but at the same time he is a pice of crap horny teenager. He grosses me out. I do not even want to step a foot in his house. Valenetino leads me into the woods. Then all of a sudden he stops. He stands behind me and puts his hands on my eyes so I cant see.
"I will lead you the rest of the way." He says. 
"Ok, I say." 
"Ok, Around this tree, good. Turn right. Go straight. Turn a bit to the left. Awesome we are here." 
He lifts his hands and an amazing view of a beach is displayed in front of my eyes. Small waves playfully crash onto shore and the sand is a golden brown. I stand there with a loss for words at the beautiful sight. 
"Do you like it?" He asks me. 
"Its beautiful." Is all I could get to come out. 
He take my hand and we walk a little ways down the beach when a cave comes into sight. I want to camp in it. This place is amazing. I hope he is planning to camp here. I turn around and jump bridal style into his arms. This is too good nothing can ruin this moment. I look at him in the eyes to find his eyes lingering on my lips. My own eyes go to his. 
"Well um I was wondering if you wanted to camp here in the cave tonight." He barely gets out. 
"I was hoping you would say that." I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. 
"Well lets go back and get our stuff." He tells me as He slowly lets my feet touch the ground. 
"Ok" I tell him. 
Dang it I wanted to kiss him. I want to call him mine. I want to sleep and wake up to find him next to me. I want to be able to crawl in his lap when ever I want. I want to do everything with him. I want to stay on his side. I want to be where he is. He takes my hand and we head into the woods back to Oakley's to get our stuff. When we get there we see that his car is back and some men taking a big bag from the back. It looks oddly human shaped but I don't want to know. 
"Where are you taking that?" He asks the men. 
"Well the boss said to put it in the basement. " One if the men says as they take the bag and continue the journey to inside the house. 
Valenetino looks over at me and the puts his arm around my shoulders. 
"Well, do you want to get our stuff first or do you want to get food first." He asks me. 
I want to get food but at the same time I do not trust Oakley with my stuff. He is creepy. I have a feeling that if I left my stuff with him he would steal a bra or something of mine and do like voodoo or some crap with it. 
"Lets get our stuff." I say. 
He walks with me up the path. Then he stops to ask me a question. 
"Do you want to go inside or would you rather wait out here." 
I do not want to go inside of his house but at the same time I want to be by Valenetino. He makes me feel so safe. 
"I will go with you." I say. 
He nods and holds my hand as we go inside. His house is the cleanest house I have ever been in. Also probably the most costly as well. Its walls are a boring white but every thing inside has a bit of gold on it. Some things are gold. He takes me up the massive staircase and we head into a bedroom where all our plan boxes look out of place. I try to pick one up but it was way too heavy. I hear Valenetino slightly chuckle at my attempt to pick up the box. I look at him and comes over and picks up the same box I tried to pick up. 
"Try the box over there princess." He says as he points to a box by the beautiful bed. 

I pick up this box its still heavy but manageable. We walk back down the stairs and repeat the same thing about 3 times loading boxes into his jeep. We hop into the front and make our way back to the beach. 

Complicated DesiresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon