The apartment

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- Valenetino Pov-

I take a frying pan and knock Xavier cold so that I know he will be knocked out for a while. Then I go to the shelves in my garage and get a box from the top that has a bunch of ropes. I get out the longest one and tie him up as tight as I can. No way in heck is he leaving that. I stuff him into my trunk and realize I should gag him with something so i tie a scarf around his mouth. Perfect. I head back inside to get Paisley. She hid exactly where I wanted her too. Good Paisley. She is asleep in the old bed in there. Man she is beautiful.  I love her more than anyone else in the world. I must keep her safe. this time I will try harder than I have tried ever before to keep someone safe. She doesn't understand how much trouble she is in. Xavier is a bad dude. I will never let him lay one finger on her. Not in a hundred years. 
"Up and at 'em" I tell her. 
"But I was having a nice dream." She grumbles. 
"Too bad, we are on the run lovely." I say back. 
"Ok, and where are we going." she asks. 
"A close friend of mines house. Pack a swim suit." I reply. 
I get her out of the bed and carry her bridal style since she still wouldn't get up. I put her in my car and we high tail it to her apartment. Lucky us, Greyson isn't home. Well that is what i assume since his car isn't in his spot and his spot is empty. She hops out and is walking up the stairs before I even get out of the car. I follow her up the stairs and jog a little so I can walk closely behind. I just now notice the box in her hand I completely forgot about. Good thing one of us has a strong memory. when we get to the apartment she told me to just wait in the living room. I respect her wishes and do as told. Until I hear her scream. I get up and start heading towards the room. 
I stop going towards the room. I do not want to see any naked people. 
"I am going to leave the room and I give you three minuets to get you guys clothes on and find somewhere else to do what ever is going on here. Oh one more thing Greyson, WE ARE OVER." She stomps out of the room and into my waiting arms. I love being there for her. Greyson tumbles out if the room with a girl following behind. She looks like she has been having fun. Her hair ginger hair is a tangled mess her lip stick is very smudged and in pretty sure I saw that same color smudged across Greyson's neck. I think I have a idea what went down between them. But I am not going to think about it. As they walk past I death glare Greyson like I could shoot him with my eyes. Heck he would have died a long time ago if I could shoot people with my eyes. Paisley buries her face more into my shoulder so that she doesn't have to look at them. What a pice of scum. Both of them. He will pay for this. Not now. But later.  He has it coming his way. 
"Come on, lets start packing" She mumbles into my shirt. 
"Alright princess." I reply. 
We start packing. She tosses her underwear into the box along with her bra's and stuff as I grab her cloths out of the closet. We are done under 3 minuets then it is back to my house. The car drive was really quite. No one was talking. No sound was in the air. So Paisley turns on the radio to some crappy pop music. If she likes that crap I guess I can bare this ride in the horrible sound. when we get into my house she hops out and I grab her box before she has a chance to get it her self. She gives me a dirty look but goes inside anyways. We go inside and watch Shane Dawson videos until my best pal Oakley shows up.   

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