Chapter 8: Oh California, you bipolar prick

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Chapter 8: Oh California, you bipolar prick



                                                    *~ 1 week later ~*


Barbara’s P.O.V.

What’s better than listening to someone teaching you something that you already know?

Yeah, I guess I shouldn’t be so addicted to Biology, but you know it’s an awesome thing to do when I’m bored. I don’t know why, I just love to discover and learn a new thing with every phrase I read, it makes me understand the world we live in, and I guess that’s all I want, to understand why do things happen.

“So, with this you can understand in a better way how proteins are formed” Peter told me showing me a PowerPoint with some great explanations about the subject.

“I know how proteins are formed” I stated “Please Peter just let me do the exam tomorrow, I know everything, and you could always give me some holidays, you know that I know this”

“Barbara… Is this about the dance crew?” He asked sighing.

He knows me more than anyone else when it comes to my problems, he’s been my teacher for about 4 years and all I do is asking him holidays because I know the things, in the start he liked it, he found me super intelligent and all, but he got tired of it, and I totally understand him, but I never give up, and Peter knows that, he knows that I’m stubborn and that won’t change.

“No, is just that I know all of this, and I think I shouldn’t be learning it, I already know it” I lied.

I planned a dance meeting – well I planned it on my head, I still had to invite the crew – and I thought that Peter would let me go, but he said it was an important class, and my plans weren’t going to work unless he let me go.

“Okay… 2 weeks, 2 weeks of no school, but after it, I’m gonna give you 5 exams, and you will pass them, with amazing grades” He gave up. Thanks god he doesn’t like to argue.

“I promise I will have amazing grades, just give me some time, I mean, I studied enough to know everything you will try to teach me for at least one month” I explained with a smile.

“Then stop it! Barbara, I know you want to get there as fast as you can, but don’t do that to your brain, you are only one, don’t do the work like there is 5 of you” Peter told me grabbing his laptop.

“Everyone expects me to, and secretly, I expect that from me as well” I admitted.

“Want a friendly advice?” I looked at him and nodded “Change that and fast, see in you in two weeks”

And he went away, leaving me behind thinking about what he said. Sometimes I hate when people make me think about these stuff, if I want to work a lot to ignore my emotions, then let me, it’s my way to deal with pressure and so many other things.

I was pretty angry already, I hate it when people get all philosophical on me, don’t they get that’s just wrong? It confuses me and blocks me from being the real me.

I went to my room and grabbed my bag with some clothes, my laptop, my phone and my keys.

I texted the whole crew and told them to meet me in an hour in our studio. I was feeling like dancing till my feet couldn’t move, sometimes I just need to let all the rage go, and it’s amazing how such a simple activity like dancing is enough to make me happy.

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