Endless: One Shots:) (Open!)

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Hi guys! Its come to my attention that my inbox has been getting full with a bunch of requests. Some of which want to be in a story as the main character. So instead of writing a whole new story, I have decided to do one shots! But keep this in mind: Dear little pervs, I will NOT be doing any Rated R stuff. What's wrong with something a little sweet and innocent? Well anyway, if you fill out the form below, I will gladly take your request. I can do one shots for pretty much any celeb. Here's a list: (P.S.... I will also make any pf these guys a vampire/ werewolf. JUST ASK. LOL. . . Don't ask me what's funny.)

One Direction (Any of the boys. I have watched wayyy too much youtube crape on them to not know anything. And they are pretty awesome.)

Justin Bieber/ShawtyMane (Who doesn't love that little purple ninja?)

Derek Bieber (Justin's twin. But more mysterious;)

Jason Deeps (Justin Bieber as a school boy. Pretty sexy.)

Jason McCann (Pure bad-ass. You gotta love that crazy bomber.)


If you have any other ideas, Just ask.




Phisical Features of yourself:

Mood of Oneshot:


Song:(Not required. Any song really.)

Extra: Extras include certain relationship with the guy... Ect. Anything you would also like to throw in there.

Ok so go fill out the form:) Idk how many I will do but remember... You don't know your beautiful!!!! Sorry... Couldn't resist. Just leave a comment below with the form filled out. Cheerio! :)

Endless: One Shots:) (On Hiatus for a Bit)Where stories live. Discover now