Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

It was the day after I was diagnosed with conduct disorder and depression and I had refused to eat anything. I stayed locked in my room, staring at the ceiling and running my fingers over the ugly bruise on my stomach that I earned in one of the best fights of my life just a week before. I didn’t want to accept all that Dr Heinman had told me and my mother about my behavior and feelings. They didn’t want me to participate in such violent activities. They were going to take away the one thing I loved in this world.

It was Ryan who had climbed through my window and literally lifted me from my break down. He promised to always help me to carry on fighting and keep me safe. He also brought ten boxes of tic-tacs to replace my meds with. I loved him for what he sacrificed for me. He was my hero, the one and only.

But at this moment I was ready to cut his nuts out.

“Come on Lea I know you can get out of it!”

I ground my teeth together as he applies more pressure on my arm. He has my right arm in an arm lock and the pressure of his legs is keeping my back glued to the mat. The only way to get out of this hold is to either grab hold of my right hand or roll myself out. I reach out with my left hand towards my right but Ryan is too tall and my hand could barely scrape my fingers.

“Don’t give up Lea! You’ve done this before!” Ryan’s voice is breathless because of our training.

I squeeze my eyes shut as he applies more pressure, not enough to cause serious damage but enough to make my eyes sting. I use my legs, forcing what last strength I have left from my upper body to push up against his legs. I cry out as I roll over breaking his hold, before climbing as fast as I could onto his stomach and locking my legs around his. I lay punch after punch against his head as he attempts to block my flying fists. Before he can regain some semblance, I grab him around his neck in a simple but effective triangular choke hold. I hold on, using my upper arm strength to squeeze his neck, aware of how much pressure to place.

I shout in victory as I feel his tap on my shoulder. I fall onto my back in sheer exhaustion, a triumphant smile lighting my face. Ryan shoves himself up as he gives me his proud smile.

“Damn you have a great coach!” he wipes his hand across his sweat drenched forehead, his voice a bit scratchy because of my choke hold.

I roll my eyes, “Psht, that was all me. Sheer power!”

“And pardon me but who taught you that choke hold?” his eyebrows were lost in his hair.

“These bad boys.” I lift my arms, which feel a bit like jelly at the moment.

“I almost dislocated one of those bad boys.” He chuckles at my growl before pulling me up.

“I was ready to cut off your nuts and feed them to you!”

“Well its good thing you aren’t fighting any men at this tourney. I would have to warn them before every match.” He winks at me as I roll my eyes. We make our way towards the changing rooms. We never showered at the gym because what came out of those shower heads wasn’t always water. I grab my kit bag, pulling my hoodie on before walking out of the gym and into the fresh air. Ryan is standing against the wall, smoking.

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