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Valentine smiled as she and her brothers landed on earth. They went to the hospital and smiled into the window as they saw Sara with her family.

"Looks like she is home." Gabriel said with a smile.

"Time for us to go home. I want you to do me a favor and get Michael from hell." Valentine said smiling at her brothers.

"Alright be careful you don't know how Lucifer will act towards you." Raphael said a She and Gabriel left her alone.

She smiled as she left and went to her favorite spot that she and Lucifer would hide from there father at.

"I thought you would be here." She said smiling softly.

He stood up and looked at her shocked.

"Am I dead?" Lucifer asked looking at her.

"No.... and neither am I. Our father lied to you Lucifer. He told you I was killed, but I wasn't." Valentine said walking up to him.

"I never thought I would see you again." He said as he gently touched her face.

"I thought the same thing, but then Sara helped me get free. She had a daughter.... her name is Kelly Jo Winchester." She explained.

"I have missed you." He said hugging her.

"And I you brother..... but we must bring peace to this world. No more fighting any of us." Valentine said taking his hand.

"I won't fight if Michael won't fight." He said softly.

"Good.... now all we need is Raphael and Gabriel to get back with Michael. They should be here soon... how about we sit and talk while we wait for them?" She asked with a smile.

"I would like nothing more my sister." He said with a smile.

They set on the ground and Lucifer told everything that had happen after she left. He told her about all the fighting and the hurting that was caused. After awhile Gabriel and Raphael arrived with Michael. Michael froze as he saw Valentine as she was when they walked the earth together.

"Hello big brother." She said with a smile.

"Valentine your alive." He said walking up to her.

"Yes I have been since you all thought me dead." She said smiling up at him.

"How.... father told us you where killed by a mortal." He said looking down at her.

"A lie that our father told so he wouldn't have the child he was ashamed of." She said sadly.

"He has no right to lie to us!" Michael snapped as the ground shook.

"Your right, but I was going to leave.... I fell in love with a mortal and I was going to marry him.... we had a child together and that child is the ancestor of Sara Winchester." She explained.

"That's why Sara looks so much like you." Lucifer said shocked.

"Yes it is.... she is family to me... all the Winchester are. That's why Dean and Sam are your true vessels.... and that is why yo where to fight with them, but because you created her it was stopped.... they stopped the apocalypse together." Valentine explained happily.

"She is their Valentine to our Michael and Lucifer." Gabriel said in shock.

"Why do you think you wanted to protect her so much? It's because she was me in our war. Her brothers would have agreed had it not been for Sara." Valentine explained.

"Wow.... would her life been like ours if you had stayed?" Raphael asked softly.

"No one will ever know.... now I think we should visit Castiel." Valentine said smiling at them.

They arrived at Castiel and Sara's house and walked inside to see Castiel packing a bag of clothes.

"Hello little brother." Lucifer said with a smirk.

Castiel turned quickly and glared at Lucifer until he saw Valentine.

"Valentine? So Sara wasn't lying." Castiel said shocked.

"No she wasn't. How is she?" Valentine asked smiling at him.

"She is well. She should get to come home tomorrow." Castiel said with a smile.

"I'm happy for you.... for you both." She said smiling at him.

"Hey Dad do you think Mom needs more pillows!" Jack yelled walking down the stairs.

Jack stopped as he saw Lucifer beside Valentine.

"Hello son." Lucifer said smirking at him.

"I'm not your son." Jack said as he glared at him.

"Jack how about you bring her some extra pillows." Castiel said softly.

"Alright." He said walking up the stairs.

"Congratulations on your daughter." Michael said softly.

"Thank you Michael." Castiel said with a smile.

"We will leave now.... tell Sara we send our love." Gabriel said with a smile.

Castiel smiled as they left and he went up to help Jack get Sara's stuff. After getting everything she wanted they left to bring it to her. When they made it inside Jack went to give Sara everything while Castiel went to check on Kelly. He smiled as Crowley was with her.

"Sara was right you are going to spoil her." Cas said with a smile.

"Of course I am. She deserves all the love in the world." Crowley said with a smile.

"Thank you Crowley.... it means the world to me that you are there for my family." Castiel said with a smile.

"If it wasn't for Sara I wouldn't be who I am.... she saved my life.... and yours." Crowley said handing Kelly over to her father.

Castiel smiled as he left to see Sara and let her hold their daughter. Sara smiled as she held Kelly in her arms and Castiel kissed her cheek. She leaned back against him and he hugged her around the waist as they looked down at their daughter.

"I love you both so much." Castiel whispered as he smiled at her.

"I know..... and I love you also." She said smiling up at him.

The next day Sara was allowed to leave and they made their way home. That night Castiel smiled as Sara placed Kelly in her crib. Sara laughed as he watched her. She smiled as she set beside him and hugged up to him.

"Goodnight." She whispered kissing his cheek.

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