Chapter nine

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I smiled as Cas ate breakfast with me and then we left to tell Dean, Sam, and my mother about the baby. I smiled as Dean hugged me happily and Sam congratulated us. I hugged Cas from behind as he looked at the stars.

"Thank you." He said softly.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Use to I never would have looked at the stars, but now that I have you I look at them every night." He said smiling down at me.

"I love you." I said pecking his lips.

He smiled as he hugged me back. I smiled as I left to get some sleep. I sighed as I woke up to Cas laying beside me. I smiled at him as he laid beside me.

"Cas if I do die..... please promise me you will live your life." I said softly.

"I..... I promise. As long as you promise to fight and try to live for us both." He said sadly.

"Always." I said with a smile.

I smiled as I kissed him once more before falling asleep. The next day I learned it would be somewhat a normal pregnancy. I would have al lithe same symptoms as a normal pregnancy except for more pain. I would only be pregnant for seven months though and there was only a slight chance I wouldn't make it. Three weeks later I learned Lucifer was still at large and he had got a woman pregnant. When we located her she was almost ready to have her baby. Four weeks after that I met her and she was ready to have her son.

"Please promise me you will protect him." She said as tears fell from her eyes.

"I will.... what do you want his name to be?" I asked with a small smile.

"Jack.... please give him love and let him know I love him." She begged.

"I will.... I will treat him like my own son." I said as she gave one more push.

I smiled as I held Jack in my arms and let her hold him once before she passed away. I laid him down and turned to close her eyes. When I turned back around there was footprints leading it of the room. I followed them to another room where Jack was a full grown teenager. I grab him clothes and have him get changed.

"Jack my name is Sara Winchester I wanna help you." I said smiling at him.

"I know... my mother told me you would protect me with my father." He said with a smile.

"Your father?" I asked confused.

"The angel Castiel." He said with a smile.

I smiled as I helped him and then left to see the others. We had made a plan to send Lucifer to another world and in doing so we had to have someone give their life. Crowley gave his life so we could finally stop Lucifer for good. We made it outside and I looked for my mother and brothers. When I saw them tears streamed down my face as they told me that Cas had been killed. Jack hugged me as I started to cry.

After awhile Jack became like a son to me and I swore to protect him with my life. We stayed with Sam and Dean while I got over Cas' death by the hands of Lucifer. I got a new job as a bartender at a local bar which didn't allow smoking. I didn't start working again until after Cas had been gone for nearly three weeks. During my first day i was gone most of the day and when I came home it was to Jack smiling happily at me. I walked inside to see Cas sitting in front of him. Cas smiled and me before I quickly ran up to him and hugged him.

"I missed you so much." I said kissing him.

"I missed you also. I see you have been watching over Jack." He said with a smile.

After awhile we all moved into my house so Cas could help Jack control his powers. I smiled as four months and a half had passed since I learned I was pregnant. Cas got a call from Dean saying he needed our help so I had Cas drive us to Dean and Sam's bunker. When we made it outside of their bunker with Jack, Sam greeted us at the door.

"Hey!" I exclaimed smiling happily as I hugged Sam.

"Wow you have gotten big." Sam said smiling as he hugged me back.

"That happens when your four months pregnant. So why did you need us here?" I asked smiling up at him.

"You'll have to see it to believe it." Sam said helping me inside.

I smiled as I saw my mom in the kitchen. Before going into the dinning room I hugged her and then she went inside with us. Jack helped me walk a little and then I froze in my tracks as we made it to the dinning room where I saw the least likely person sitting in a chair beside Dean.

"Your dead." I said shocked.

"Seems no one in our family stays dead for long." He said with a smile.

"But.... you.... how are you alive?" I asked holding my stomach.

"God gave me a second chance to be with my family." He said with a smile.

"Sara are you alright?" Cas asked as he walked into the room and took my hand.

"Yea.... I'm fine... Cas meet John Winchester..... my father." I said looking up at him.

Cas looked at him shocked as we stared at him and I pulled Jack closer to me. John smiled as my mom walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. I took a deep breath before walking out of the room to clear my head and take a breather without John around me. Cas followed close behind me as I made it outside and set on the ground.

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