Chapter ten

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Cas walked up behind me and hugged me as I set on the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"No..... the last time I saw my dad... I told him I hated him and wished he was dead.... now seeing him I keep remembering those words and how I wish I could take them back." I said laying my head on his chest.

"You can't take them back, but you can let it go. He is here and maybe you all can be a family." Cas said with a smile.

"You do know he hates any supernatural being..... what where is Jack?" I asked standing up.

"Inside with your family." Cas said softly.

I walked inside to see Jack a hind Sam and John pointing a gun at him. I quickly grabbed Jack and pulled him behind me.

"What is wrong with you!" I yelled as I glared at John.

"He is a monster!" John snapped as he looked at Jack.

"He is my son! And you won't touch him!" I yelled as I glared at him.

"That is enough! John put that gun down now!" Mom yelled standing in front of me.

"Your on his side?" He asked shocked.

"I'm on my daughters side yes! This boy isn't a monster and killing him is murder!" She snapped touching my shoulder.

"What is going on?" Cas asked walking into the room.

"Who the hell are you?" John asked glaring at Cas.

"Castiel angel of the lord and Sara's boyfriend and father of our unborn child." Cas said walking up to me.

I smiled as he wrapped a arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking down at me.

"Yea we're alright." I said hugging him.

I watched him smiled at Jack as John lowered his gun. I let out a sigh and took in a deep breath as I let go of Cas and checked on Jack.

"Are you okay?" I asked smiling at him.

"Yea.... do you really see me as your son?" He asked softly.

"You might not be my son by blood, but you are my son in my heart." I said hugging him.

I smiled as he hugged me back and then we all set down and talked about why Dean and Sam called us here.

"Lucifer is back and we have to stop him. Chuck brought dad back to help us." Dean explained.

"So we need to keep Jack away from him. Lucifer can't have him." I said looking at him softly.

"Or you. I know Lucifer and he might want revenge. He may try to take you and our child." Cas said taking my hand in his.

"So where are we going to go?" I asked looking at Jack.

"Chuck also brought Crowley back and you will be staying with him. He can help hide you both." Dean said sadly.

"Okay.... so we called Crowley and he is on his way here." Sam said smiling at me.

"Okay.... what else are you not telling me?" I asked glaring at them.

"Dad is staying with you and Jack. He will be there to make sure you don't get hurt and when the baby comes that Dad can protect her or him." Dean said with a small smile.

"No." Cas said glaring at Dean.

"Cas I know you don't like this..."

"No I don't. I am not going to allow him to be the one there when she has the baby. Why can't it be Mary?" Cas asked looking down at me.

"Cas dad won't hurt the baby. Jack will also be there if he tries." Sam said softly.

"That isn't it Sam.... is it Cas. Your not worried about the baby are you?" I asked taking his hand.

"What if you don't make it..... no one has ever survived birthing a Nephilim.... and I can't let you die and me not be holding your hand." Cas said as I saw tears stream down his face.

"Cas..... no matter what happens I will always be with you... and you will always have Jack and our baby. I might not make it, but I want you to know that Sam and Dean will be here and they can help you with her. You won't be alone." I said kissing his hands.

He looked at me as I smiled up at him and pulled him into a hug.

"We have to go..... and you have to let us." I said pulling away.

"Alright.... please be safe." He said softly.

I smiled at him as I made to leave with Crowley and my son and John. When we made it to the safe house I set on the couch with Jack laying in my lap. I smiled as he fell asleep with me running my hands through his hair.

"He seems like a good kid." John said sitting in front of me.

"He is. He is my whole world." I said smiling down at Jack.

"So what are you wanting to name the baby?" He asked softly.

"I don't really know I know that if it's a girl I want to have her first name Kelly but I don't know the middle name. If it's a boy I want to name him after Bobby and another one of my friends. But I don't know what to name the baby if it's a girl." I said softly.

"I'm sure it will be a beautiful name." John said with a smile.

I smiled at John as I leaned back and closed my eyes falling asleep. When I next woke up Jack was in his room asleep and so was John. I smiled as I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and started to take a few sips of it. After I was done I put it down and turned around. I gasped as a hand went over my mouth and I looked at the shadowy figure.

"Hello Sara, it's been awhile." Lucifer said smirking down at me.

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