Chapter three

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"I am so sorry for your loss Sara." My boss Lily said hugging me.

It had been a week since the fire and I was having a funeral for Fred and his aunt. Their deaths had been because someone had set fire to their house.

"Hey sis... I am so sorry." Sam said hugging me.

"It's okay.... it will be okay." I said hugging him back.

"Me and Dean are looking to see who did this. I promise we will find their killer." He said pulling away.

"I know you will and when you do tell me because I want to be there." I said walking away.

I walked up to my room and set on the bed. I felt a hand on my shoulder and leaned into it.

"I'm sorry but it was holy fire there was nothing I could do." Gabriel said from beside me.

"I know that's why they couldn't get out of the fire. Someone had made demon sigils around the house also." I said sighing.

"I'm so sorry." He said hugging me.

"I'm going to work with Sam and Dean to stop your brother I think he was behind this."

"I know he was." Gabriel said as he left.

The next morning I left to find Sam and Dean I found them at their hotel and I knocked on the door.

"Sara your here." Sam said hugging me.

"I want to help you fight Lucifer." I said softly.

"Okay but don't you think you should wait, your in an emotional state."

"No that bastard did this and he is gonna pay." I said angry.

We left to visit and went to Bobby's. We walked into the house and saw Bobby talking to Cas.

"Sara I am happy that you are here." Cas said smiling at me.

"So how do we kill your bastard brother?" I asked angry.

"We have found a demon who has a gun that can kill anything." Bobby explained.

"Let me guess his name is Crowley." I said groaning.

"How do you know?"

I pulled out my phone and called a number on it.

"Hey it's Sara I need that gun that can kill anything I'm at Bobby's oh and don't bring the morons." I said in the phone.

"Love would I ever put you in danger?" Crowley asked standing in front of me.

"Yes so gun that can kill Satan and you better not piss me off." I said hanging up an glaring at him.

"Here love and I'm sorry about Fred." He said handing me the gun.

"Don't worry about it so where is the bloody devil?" I asked looking the gun over.

"Carthage, Missouri." Crowley said sitting on the desk.

"Thank you now leave." I said glaring at him.

"Yes ma'am." He said disappearing.

"We will need help. Do you all know any hunters that can help us?" I asked looking at them.

"How did you..."

"He owes me some favors. Now do you have any hunters to help us?"

"Yea we have two that can help." Sam said looking at me shocked.

"Good." I said putting the gun away.

I let out a sigh as I go and load all the guns we have. I let out a sigh as my hands start to shake. I feel a hand on mine and look up to see Cas.

"I heard about your friends... I am sorry. If Lucifer did do this he will pay." Cas said softly.

"I know.... and I'm gonna be the one to make him pay." I said pulling my arm away and finishing loading up the guns.

The next day we made it to where Crowley told us that Lucifer was. I looked around and saw that it was empty.

"It isn't empty.... their are reapers everywhere." Castiel said with a frown.

We split up and I go on my own. I hear a voice and pull out the gun and aim it. When I walk into the room I see Cas in a circle of fire talking to another man.

"Hello Sara." The man said turning to face me.

"You must be Lucifer." I said glaring at him.

"I'm actually surprised to see you here. I never thought I would see you here with Dean and Sam." He said with a smirk.

"You know why I'm here you bastard!" I snapped glaring at him.

"Do I? Gabriel hides your thoughts from me very good." He said laughing.

"Why did you kill Fred and his aunt!"

"What makes you think it was me? Tell me Sara, why would I want to put you in danger? Why would I want you here? What reason would I want my sisters reincarnation here?" He asked with a smirk.

I looked at him shocked as I heard something behind me I quickly turned only to be hit in the face. When I woke up I was tied up in a hotel. I tried to get out of the bounds but they where to tight. I looked around and frowned as I saw Lucifer at the window.

"Sorry about your friends." He said not looking at me.

"Why did you kill Fred and his aunt?" I asked leaning back in the seat.

"I didn't. As I said why would I want you in danger or cause you pain?" He asked turning to face me.

"To get to Sam." I said glaring at him.

"Have you ever thought that maybe it wasn't me and it was someone else?"

"I know for a fact it was you! Gabriel told me!"

"Gabriel, and you believed him?" He asked walking up to me.

"Gabriel would never lie to me."

"He would if it got you to fight me. Think about it, if your fighting against me your not searching for your soulmate. Your not learning why you where touched by grace." He said sitting in front of me.

"What's so important about me learning who my soulmate is?"

"Simple your soulmate was made the same day you where. All he remembers is knowing you. From the moment he was born he was your protector."

"What are you saying?"

"You where not suppose to be born, but with a little bit of grace your mother was given twins. Sam was always going to be born, but you shouldn't exist. Which is why my father had Cas made. He learned you where in your mothers womb." He said with a laugh.

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