Chapter 18

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A/N~ Sorry for not updating in forever!!! I have had writers block, and my computer wasn’t working! So, here is the new update. ENJOY! COMMENT, VOTE, JOKE!

Rose’s POV

The doctor looks up. “We’ll figure out a way, Rose. Don’t worry.” Says the Doctor. He looks up at me. His face is red, and blotchy. Tearstained, obviously. I look over at River. She’s glaring at me.

“You will, will you?” I hiss. I look at the Doctor. I immediately regret it. He just stares at me. What is he thinking?

Doctor’s POV

I find myself staring at her. ‘How did she end up like this? Where is the sweet, kind, understanding girl I once knew?’ I think to myself. ‘She’s in there somewhere…’ I take a deep breath. ‘I’m going to get her back, safely.’ I think to myself.

“Yes. I will.” I say calmly.

“How do you plan to do that? I don’t want anybody to die for me!” Rose spits.

“They wont!” I yell. I see everybody staring at me. I realize I am standing up. I blush a bit, and sit down.


~3 hours later~

Rose’s POV

I sit with my head in my hands. Im sitting on my bed. In a few minutes, I will be out on the bay. I hear a soft knock on my door.

“Come in.” I say. John walks into the room.

“Hi.” He says. He comes and sits down by me. I scoot over so I can sit closer to him. I peck his cheek.

“I love you. Forever and Always.” I says smiling.

“I love you even longer than forever.” He replies, with a smile. “You ready?” He asks me. I nod.

“Just need to change.” I say. I push him out of my room.

I get up off of my bed, and change into light skinny jeans, and a yellow shirt. I grab my pastel pink leather jacket. I put it on. I also put on some pink gloves, that don’t cover my fingers. I put on pink high-top converse.

I walk out into the console room. John, The Doctor and River are all flying the TARDIS. I smile a bit.   Clara, Amy, Martha, and mickey are loading their guns. River’s is already in the holster on her belt.


“Ready?” John asks.

“Yes…” I say. I walk over to him. I give him a hug.

“Lets go.” Says John.


A/N-Kinda a cliffhanger? Ya? I don’t know. That was more of a filler chapter. The next one is going to be full of action! Are you on the edge of your seat? Im not… Oh well. HOPEFULLY it’ll be good and exciting. Yay! Okay… ENOUGH CHATTER! I NEED TO WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

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