Chapter 14: Oops

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Ruby's POV

I sat on Ally's bed and turned my I pod on my sad playlist.

I layed back dejectedly, this was the first time side the fight that Harry had not wanted to talk.

Maybe I am wrong maybe Harry doesn't want to be with me. God I don't know.

Suddenly I felt the bed give way, and I turned and who was there..Zayn????

"Hey Zayn?" I said a little confused.

"Hey love are you surprised to see me."

I must have still looked confused because he seemed to see the need for elaboration on the reason that he was here laying next to me.

"Well the truth is oh God I... Don't know how to say this."

He then promptly turned a most flattering shade of scarlet.

"Go on " I said getting a little impatient.

"Well I..He stalled again

"Fuck it"

And suddenly I found myself pulled against a rock hard body our lips touching and every curve fitting perfectly together moving in complete harmony.

And then I thought of Perrie. Damn Perrie.

He was so good I don't want to stop... But Perrie. But he was so muscular and perfect...

But what about Harry???

Suddenly the world seemed to slow as I heard the door open and I heard a raspy voice say, "Ruby???" And then angrily "ZAYN!!!"

I shot up like a cork.

"Oh my God , Harry!" Zayn shot up beside me saying "It is totally not what it looks like mate"


I cannot even open my eyes right now I don't want to see what is going to happen.

"Ruby?" His voice snapped me out of my reverie.

I opened my eyes and looked up tears threatening to spill over.

"Oh my God, Ruby are you okay?" Harry looked down with concern in his deep green eyes.

Finally the tears spilled over coating my cheeks and soaking my hair.

"Harry I am so sorry." He looked at me and his eyes darkened.

I mean I was sorry but why the fuck was he so concerned about it, especially since it wasn't his business anyway who I kiss and whatever he doesn't even feel that way about me... Does he? God I don't even know.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why do you even care?! You seem to want to talk to me one day and the next you don't even give a fuck about me, and when someone we seems to care for me or whatever, you decide to barge in and break up the best kiss I have had since, God knows when. We all need things Harry, but you need to make up your mind and decide whether you need a friend or if you need someone more than that, when you decide, you know my number call me!"

Feeling that I had said my peice I turned on my heel and slammed the door leaving Harry and Zayn to work things out between them.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room right into Amber and Niall's make out session on the couch trying not to break up the heated moment but needing to get out I eased open the back door and slipped out into the velvety blanket of the night.



So what do you think?

Wow, Ruby and Zayn!

Is Harry going to forgive Ruby and Zayn for what they did?

Or is he not going to?

Is Harry going to confess his love for Ruby?

Or is he going to move on and forget Ruby?

Gotta find out! 😉

Thanks to my best friend (you know who are!) for helping me write this! You made the story ten times better! 😊

And in Chapter 13: Early Suprise, I dedicate that Chapter to my other best friend RavenLeech! 😜 miss you like crazy!

These two girls are like sisters to me! I have no idea what I would do without you guys!

I'm so happy! Next Friday my school is out!!


But I will also miss my friends that I made! They are always there for me and I don't know what I would do without them!!

Is your guy's school over? Or is it still going on?





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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