Chapter 7

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"We have to go home." Louis said, running to us.

"Now you believe us!" Harry laughed.

"Well I was talking to one of the mangers here and he said that there is a flood warning. This is serious Harry! We have to be in our homes around 7:30" Louis ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to die."

"We've got to get Amber, Niall, and Zayn." I said.

"Where are they?" Louis asked.

"They went their seperate ways." I replied.

"Can you call Amber? While me and Louis call Zayn and Niall." Harry asked.

"Yeah I will."

I went to the next aile over because Louis was being loud. It took a couple rings before Amber answered.

"Hey Ruby, what's up?"

"Hey Amber, we have to go there is a flood warning."

"Oh, okay. "

"Yeah, can you meet us somewhere?"

"Sure, meet me at the food court?"

"See ya then."



"Ruby is that you?"

I turned around to see Chase.

"Yeah." I stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here silly. " He laughed.

"Did you here about the weather?" I asked.

"Yeah I did. You here by yourself?" He asked.

"Umm. Yeah, I mean, no. I waiting on my friends. They are in the aile." I said pointed.

"Love, nobody is over there."

What? I thought. I walked in the aile they were in, but they were gone.

"They probably left.." I laughed unsure.

"Well I'm locking up, so.." He trailed off.


"Do you want to help me lock up? And we can look for your friends. Together."

I felt my cheeks burn. The way he said "together" made me have butterflies. Well, I really don't know where Harry and Louis went. I can't believe they left me.

"Yeah, I can help you." I said.


Chase finally locked the door.

"Do you have their numbers?" Chase asked.

Shit. Of course I don't.

"I only have one number. But I don't know if she will answer."

Chase smiled. A creepy smile.

I want Harry. I want him and nobody else.

Chase is a little creepy.

"Well call her." Chase said annoyed.

"Yeah I will."

I dialed Amber's number. A couple rings and she never picked up.

I smiled, embarrassed.

"Hang on, I will call Allison."

I dialed Allison's number.

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