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beep beep beep

My head was pounding and my body was sore. my eyes flutterd open and I relized I was lying in a hospital bed. my mom, blake, jack and ethan were all standing at my bedside.

"god dear your awake we were so worried" my mom hugged me but I flinched in pain.

"god carter you had us all scared shitless" ethan said comming over to me.

"wha- what happend" my voice was shaky and weak.

"you and luke were in a car crash." blake said looking worried.

"luke. where is he. omg is he okay. no this cant be happening. lukke. lukee." i started to yell not knowing if he was okay or not.

"oh good you awake." a tall lady with blonde hair spoke. I assumed she was my nurse or whatever.

"where is luke I need to see him now!" I was more than worried when I saw all their faces drop.

"sweety luke well um h-he is okay but he is in very bad condition.  the truk hit his side of the car. he is in very critical condition right now. Liz and his brothers are in with him just now" my mother looked at me knowing what she said hurt me.

before icould say anything els I was interupted by the blonde women.

"now carter we have done some tests and alsong as you feel up to it you can leave the hospital tonight. your very lucky to have only gotten away with a few scrapes and bruises." she added before walking out the door.

"mom what room is luke in?"

"301 but car"  I cut her off wasting no time in getting to his room. I walked down the hall to room 301 where I saw cal, ash and Mikey all sitting outside.

"omg carter your okay" they all jumped up and hugged me tight. I flinched in pain and they backed off.

"sorry car"

"its fine. i-is lukke in there" i stutterd.

"yea you can go in I dont think his mom will mind" cal told me practically pushing me through the door.

"carter. your awake im so glad your okay." liz hugged me and went back to her sons side. I couldnt focus seeing him, the love of my life , my fiancé lying there almost lifeless hooked up to all thoes machines. I started to cry.

" he is in a coma but everything is looking good just now. we will give you some time with him" liz said pulling his brothers out the room. I walked over to his side and sat on the chair next to the bed. I picked up his hand watching his chest move up and down so slowly.

"I dont know if you can hear me but luke it should have been me." I started to cry even more "I should be the one hooked up to the machines and unconscious.  luke I need you. you can't leave. when you wake up we are going to get married and have a famy and your going to go on tour and be amazing." I said running out of breath " I love you luke. please keep fighting.  I love you" my voice got quite. I felt something speeze my hand. I probably just imagined it. I went to get up and leave but I turned in shock.

"hey where do you think your going" his crokey fragile voice spoke. I ran over to his bed hugging him, I felt him flinch with my touch so I pulled away.

"hey I never said stop." he said oulling me back into the hug.

"I love you luke so so much"

"I love you to carter"

liz burst through the door I assumed they had been listening the hole time.

"oh my son. my beautiful baby boy im so glad your okay. " liz planted loads of kisses on luke while everyone els flooded in the room.

"mom please not infront of everyone" luke moaned lime a 2 year old. I was so happy he was okay.

the same blonde lady that was in my room soon came in and told us all lukes situation and that he would have to stay in hospital for a few days for them to keep and eye on him.

"man are we gald your okay!" mikey said rubbing his neck

"yea dude you scared us big time" ash added .

" luke we love ya man your always our little bro" cal looked at the guys who were all staring at hin weird.

"come on we love him admit it" cal said to the boys. they noded in agreement.

we all chatted for a while and I think the whole time I just sat and smiled that everything was okay.


soon everyone had left the hospital even liz. The hospital was allowing me to stay with luke and I told liz she could go and get some rest considering she looked like she hadnt slept I  days.

"come here" luke patted the bed next to him.

"im so glad your okay honestly luke you scared me I dont know what I would have done if you had died" I began to cry a little.

"shhh babe dont cry im still here and its thanks to you." he rubbed my back making me feel safe

"what do you mean thanks to me?" I was a little  more than confused as to what he meant.

"well even though I was unconscious I guess I could still hear everyone and when you told me to keep fighting I guess my brain new it was time to get up. I love you carter and im never leaving okay?"

"okay.  I love you too luke."

( a/n for all the tfios fans. whos is excited for the movie and have you read the book?)

"now come on im tired lets sleep." luke shifted over allowing me to lie down beside him. I snuggled into him and slowly drifted to sleep.


I dont really remember the crash. the last thing I remember is the truck hitting us and then nothing. I was so glad I was okay and nothing too serious happend but im much more happy that carter is okay. I dont know what I would have done if I had lost her. i love her so much and it makes leaving  her so much harder. maybe I can talk to management about something.  anyway all I was concerned about was that carter was in my arms and we were together. 

sorry bad chapter. I wanted there to be some kind of mini twist before the big event that is comming soon!! but yea thanks for 92 reads. love you all.

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