Chapitre 12

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Chapitre 12

Today was the day things changed, dramatically. Things have been changing for days, weeks now, but this day really hit everything hard. It was a day that finally forced me to do something out of the ordinary, out of this damned town, forced me to seriously consider everything.

Well, today and tomorrow, un certain temps.

I smiled brightly when Winston came in, as he does everyday. He was the reason I was able to forget about John's little intrusion on my home the night before. But that minty smell stayed with me all night, and continuing into work. 

He went to his seat, like I thought he would, but he didn't sit down today, or order anything, he just stood there, silently waving a bit over for me to come over to him. I quickly did, with his head still down enough for me not to see who it is. Francis and Auntie were in the back, grabbing something or helping Cook with something. 

Winston reached across, grabbing my hand and bringing it to him, placing a note in my hand, and pushing the fingers over it. He squeeze my hand tightly, reaching out and touching my face. I think I saw him smile, just a little bit. Winston quickly turned and started out of the diner. I looked down at the paper, opening it. 

I read it, quickly, rapide.

Hello Rosie,

You know I love you, and I always will. It sounds so cliche, really, but it's painfully true. But I'll never see you again, I'm leaving to never come back. It's not you, I promise love, but I hope you don't forget about me. I will never forget you, and your beautiful face.

- W

P.S. I want only one sugar in my tea. You are that sugar deary.

I rushed towards the door, not caring, and shoved the door open, looking out for Winston. I saw him walking slowly down the street, his hands in his pockets, I could tell it was him from the large black coat, and the black fabric hat. 

"Winston wait!" I called after him, beginning to quickly to walk after him. He started to run, faster than I thought someone would be able to. I tried to chase after him, running as well, so badly wanting to know who he really was, or at least where he was going.

He ran extremely fast, turning down an alley and disappearing out of my life, just as he appeared into it a few months ago. I couldn't believe it! He loves me, but why would he leave? There must be a reason, there has to be! S'il vous plaît!

It seems as though every boy that loves me, I have to be separated from them, because of either of us. I wanted to cry again, but I didn't. It just wasn't worth it. What was that going to do anyway? It was going to fix nothing.

I turned around and walked back. I wished now, as I usually do, of all the things I don't know about him, or about what kind of future I could have had, if he just stayed. 


When I got home that night, after walking home with Francis, hearing him try to cheer me up with childish jokes, even though I refused to tell him what was wrong. He didn't need to know, even if he is my best friend. It just something I want to keep to me, mine. 

Once I got into my flat, I checked my bedroom before anything, to see if John was there, but he wasn't. I was almost disappointed, but at the same time, I didn't want him to be there. It was strange, awkward, and, slightly creepy, plus ou moins effrayant.

I changed into some more causal clothes, tying my hair into a simple pony tail, too lazy for a braid at the moment. I was eating a simple snack at my small, mess table, breathing, eating, and thinking about my day. How anti-climactic it was, so far.

An Empty Tea Cup and a Note That Says I Love You (Sequel to Lonely People)Where stories live. Discover now