Blind Love

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Noodle was about to take out the trash, but she saw a wrinkled piece of paper beside of the can that made her curious. For no reason, she decided to stretch it up and see what was written in it. Maybe it could be a demo for a melody one of the boys didn't like.

When the paper was straigh, she recognized 2-Ds hand writing. The paper had a text that almost seemed like a poem... The edges were drawn with cute hearts and curly lines. She decided to give the paper a read.

For you my love...

I will never forget the first day I met you.

You were gorgeous in your black suit,

And in your beautiful hat covered in blue.

The moment my eyes glanced on your body

I could feel myself being filled with ecstasy.

My long legs were shaking,

And my fingers were sweating.

I wanted to ask you to be mine forever,

But I needed to be more clever.

I decided to calm down this hell

And approach you in a casual way.

And somehow, it all went well!

You weren't that much of a talker however...

But that didn't matter!

The moment you accepted to go on a date,

My mind just screamed Gloria!

And my heart was in absolute euphoria!

I gave you my number

And went back to my slumber.

Even though I was in my bed,

I just couldn't get my rest!

The feelings you made me feel,

The emotions you made me have,

Everything was so unreal!

I didn't even know your name,

But you weren't the one to blame...


It was the next day before I knew,

It seemed like years since I first saw you

Your figure was in the same place as before.

It was a little strange, but again, I didn't care!

I carried you to the cinema,

Since you were having trouble walking.

I bought the tickets and we went inside.

God, I wanted to make you my bride...

My heart pounded when you sat next to me,

And my stomach was a complete sea!

I looked at your marvelous body again,

And I felt like I was in the top of an airplane.

When the film almost started,

That was the moment when everything ended...

A tall security guy pointed at me with his hand:

"Sir, you know you can't bring here a hat stand."

And with those words, my soul got absolutely crushed.

I knew there couldn't be a love so rushed...

My poor eyesight tricked me again.

My damaged heart melted in pain.

I couldn't believe you were just an object.

I didn't want to believe...

I even did a double check,

But my eyes really did misperceive...

And that was making me want to die.

Eventually I said my goodbye,

And watched the guard carry you away.

I'll admit that really ruined my day,

But I will never forget you my darling.

Never ever ever ever...

I will always love you,

Even though what I thought wasn't the truth.

You will always stay in my memories,

As the lady with the perfect accessories.

Nooodle just wheezed while reading his words. She couldn't believe in 2-Ds mistake. In the end, she shouted at the band.

"GUYS! Look what I found..."


A/N > Gosh I missed writing comedy. But don't worry, I won't write a "paperhat is canon" type of thing on this book. This will probably be the only joke fic.

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