Noodle x Female Reader > Relationships

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This theme was requested by @PsychoRaccoon

 This story takes place on phase 4

(Y/n) = Your name

(F/m) = Favorite movie


It was a very calm night. You were in your living room with your head on Noodles lap, watching (F/m). You both loved this movie with all your heart. As it was reaching the end, she got up and went silently inside the kitchen to make some peppermint tea. You could still smell the sweet scent she left on the sofa. The sound of the boiling water and your girlfriends hums made you feel tired but comfortable. When done, she place the tea set on the coffee table and sat beside your sleepy body. Her delicate hands poured tea on your cup. You studied her appearance, she was as beautiful as a rose. You still cant belive you ended up with someone like her. Someone so pretty and talented.

"What do you wanna watch next (Y/n)?" She asked with her adorable japanese accent. 

"Anything will be fine. Im almost falling a sleep really."

"Then Ill pick something quiet." She said doing her inoccent smile. 

You sat closer to her and drank your hot tea. The leafs danced on the water, you dont know why but her tea is one of the best you've ever tasted. She placed her arm around your shoulder and you settled your head on hers. Her fuzzy pajamas were like pillows. Eventually your eyes closed and you had a nice dream.

You woke up on your bed. You rubbed your eyes and lazily left the bedroom. You saw Noodle getting ready to go out on the bathroom. You started to get sad because you knew she was going to meet up with the band and you will be left alone until she comes back.

"Getting ready to record song eh?"

"Hai. Dont worry dear, Ill be back soon."

She gave you a small kiss on your forehead. Although her kisses always cheered you up, there was something that was still melancolic. She noticed your unhappy expression and quickly became worried.

"Whats wrong (Y/n)?"

You let out a sign. You knew she doesnt like to talk about this, but, part of you really wanted to get this problem fixed, even if it meant making a sacrifice.

"Noods... Can I go with you?"

She froze a bit, you could almost feel her muscles tense up with your request. She bitted her lips while thinking, when she organized her thoughts she inhaled deeply and said.

"Love... You know the boys are like family to me. They were the ones that took care of me since I was a child. I know them for a long time... But, I honestly dont know how they will react when I tell them about... us."

She frowned, but you hugged her before she felt even sadder.

"I know Noods. It will be a 50/50 chance, but isnt it worth taking? I just wanna tell them the truth... I just wanna stop hiding..."

You hugged her more deeply but you felt tears running down your neck. This was one of the few times you saw Noodle cry. She was always so strong but because she cares too much about everyone, this broke her down. You two sat on the freezing floor, still hugging. She sniffed a bit before talking.

"I know you are right (Y/n), and I know that is the right thing to do. But... Im just so scared. I dont wanna lose the boys..."

You ended the hug and lifted her chin. Her eyes were very wet, you cleaned her tears with your fingers making her feel better. You grabbed her cold hand and placed it close to her heart.

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