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This story takes place on phase 4


2-D and Noodle were sitting on a sofa of the recording studio, finishing a melody they composed for the new Gorillaz album.

"Hmm, I think we can record the demo now."

"Agreed! Let's call the boys."

They got up and searched for Russel in his room. Noodle softly knocked on his door.

"Hey Russ. It's time to record..."

They heard his heavy steps walking to the door. When they reached it, a large sleppy man appeared in front of them.

"Hey guys... (Yawns) I'm ready to do my part."

"Great! Now we just need Murdoc." Noodle cheered.

The group walked to the bassists room.

"Jeez, it sure has been a while since we saw Muds eh?"

"Now that you talk about it... I haven't seen him since he left with some girls yesterday..."

The group silently thinks on what the green man was up to. They finally arrived at his large door. 2-D grabbed the door handle and opened it. Everyone was caught of guard by the deep darkness of the room. They couldn't see a thing inside. Suddenly, they heard Murdoc making wierd noises, it seemed like he was in pain. 2-D and Russel looked at each other while Noodle shook her head.

"If he's doing what I think he's doing I swear to god..."

Russel tried to turn the lights on but he couldn't find the switch.

"Uggggh... Go away guys..."


2-D grabbed Russels arm in fear he would pop out of the darkness.

"Yes you retard... Uggh... Just leave me... alone."

"Jeez Murdoc what's wrong with you?"


After a few taps on the wall, he finally pressed the light switch. The sudden light blinded everyone for a few seconds.

"Turn that thing off for hell sake..."

When they got their vision back, they saw Murdoc on his bed. His nose was almost glowing with how red it was and the tower of blankets was completly covered in used tissues.

"Muds...? Have yew been crying?"

He wanted to face palm but the pain on his bones wouldn't let him.

"Ugggggh... Do you just lack common sense? I'm sick you idiot. I didn't want to (Coughs), but I'm sick..."

2-D tried to take a step forward but Russel placed his hand on his sholder. Not letting him get closer to the sick Murdoc.

"We were goin' to record but... Guess we can't..."

"Yeah... (Snezzes) It's a shame really..."

"Well... Do you need any help? Maybe we could make you a soup or a tea-"

"Shushhhh... I don't need your help. This is just a flu, I will recover easly... Ughh... I just need you guys to leave my room and leave me alone..."


"Murdoc don't be so grumpy! You won't get better with that attitude." Noodle crossed her arms getting a little impatient.

"Out... Now..."


She rolled her eyes and grabbed on 2-Ds and Russels wrists leading them out of that room.

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