A Cold but Warm Day

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A/N > This was an assignment I did for a literature club. I wont just post Reader x Character fanfics now. But I hope youll still like it!

This story takes place on phase 1


The sun rises on Kong Studios, making everyone slowly wake up. Some of it's light ended up on Noodles face. She wraped herself on the blankles, not wanting to leave her warm bed. Eventually, her tummy obligated her to leave and have something to eat. After a few stretches and yawns, she hopped off her bed, shivering as her feet touched the cold floor. She putted on her yellow slippers and went to the kitchen. As she was pouring milk on some froasted cereal, Russel and 2-D entered the room.

"Good mornin' Noodle." The drumist greated her and the tall boy gave her a little wave.

"Harro!" She responded with an innocent smile.

However, they left the room right after grabbing their food, leaving her all alone again. This was pretty much the norm. Everyone was always locked on their rooms away from each other. The only times they got together was when they recorded songs. 

The child exhaled and sat on the living rooms couch. She ate her breakfast while watching cartoons in a lonely silence. When finished, she placed her boul on top of the tower of dirty plates that was accumulating on the sink. While walking back to her room, a rather strange noise that caught her attention. She followed the sound and discovered it was comming from the wind hitting on a half closed window. She was about to shut it carelessly but, a little bit of snow got on her nose. Her curiosity kicked in, so she climbed to the window sill and peeked outside. A small wow of amazement could be heard under her breath. The florest and the graveyard that was beneath Kong was completly covered in snow. Almost everything was white, the grass, the trees, the sky, and even Noodles face after having her head outside. She examinated every detail of the view until something caught her eyes. It was very hard to see but she could swear she saw some rabbits hidding on the florest. After aprecciating the painting like view a little longer, she let out a sneeze and decided to go back inside. The little girl skipped to her room and grabbed some blankets and a small keyboard. She sat on the window sill in the best angle for her and covered herself on the blankets. She got confortable and placed her piano on her lap and started to gently press the keys. Her fingers danced to the music she was creating. The melody filled the frozen and empty halways of the studio with softness.

Eventually, her sweet notes were interrupted by the footsteps of Murdocs boots and Russels sneakers. The drumist knocked on the vocalists bedroom door.

"2-D put some clothes on. We're goin' to the supermarket."

"And hurry up."

She sighed, getting out of her fortress of sheets and putting away the keyboard. Russel entered the room and saw the little child. Her cuteness made him smile.

"You are very talented kiddo. Maybe one day you'll be the one running this band..."

She tilted her head in confusion and he mentally face palmed forgetting she doesn't understand english.

"Sorry I forgot you don't... (Clears thought) Uhh... Watashitachi... to tomoni... kitai?" (Wanna come with us?)

Her eyes sparkled with his request. Even tho he didn't know how to speak japanese, he did his best to learn basic words and questions. He didn't want Noodle to be oblivious to everything and feel left out.

"Hai hai!" He chuckled with her excitement.

The japanese girl went to her bedroom and grabbed her biggest scarf. When ready, she hopped to the big entrance where the boys were and 2-D grabbed her hand. When Murdoc opened the gigantic doors, the freezing wind caught everyone off guard. They left Kong and walked on the road beside the florest, Noodle was very busy paying attention to all the details of the flora and fauna. Perhaps she could find those rabbits... Soon, they found the convenience store.

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