Chapter 2

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Even if the nightmare was a memory of my past,that was only 4 years ago. It constly replayed in my mind. I'm really scared that I wont get over my mother's death. I move the thought to the back of my mind, but there's a tugging feeling in my back of my throught. Then the scarce look on my face that today all 16-18 year old have to go to to the middle of the city. People who don't train at all have a chance to survive. Luckily I've been training most of my life. I'm 17 now and still beating my friend Tommy in hand eye combat and sword battles. 

As the thought went away I saw the light shiny off my window. Pointing at my closet door that it was closed. That had my other. weapons that I usually have with me. So that I could protect me and Angel from thugs.

I started to sit up when a got glimpse of the future where I was standing on the stage that I was standing In front of the instructer.  Then my vision shifted me back, leaving me help less suck back in my sleep.

My sister shook me a wake. I jolted up then I realized it was night time and saw my room. I looked at Angel and she was crying. I spoke " Angel what's wrong? " Her head came up quick and she said out loud " your a live I thought you where dead." as she hugged me.

What happened to Mom and how did I get here?" I asked. She explained " that the man ran towards me because I was blocking the way. he picked me and threw me down far away of mom. he graves mom and touched her skin his hand had electricity coming out.

she started to tear up when she told the rest that mom cought on fire and turned into ashes.

Then she explained that my friend " Tommy helped me he cradle you,and cared you back to the house. While I got you're blades. oh yeah Tommy mom came over and tried to heal you but you weren't getting better so she thought that you where dying. I better go tell them that your awake and doing."

" wait Angel come here and hug your sister." She ran straight to me we hugged each other. Then I whispered to her " thank you and I love you." then she ran out of the room smiling.

That's when I saw him run in the blonde spiked hair smiling at me. I smiled back he ran at me hugged me. " I thought you died you weren't breathing and I thought I was going to lose you." his light gray eyes staring at me. " well I still here and not going any where else. hay thanks for taking me back here" I said. then I closed my eyes after he left.

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