Chapter 5

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I had to the bus stop just in time. As my sister walked off the bus. She smiled at me while where walking. we met up with 'Tommy in the middle of the crowd. He smiled at me and said " so that's where you went you got sister. I would of replied if the instructer didn't burst with " welcome. and this is the fithty years since this has begun. I watched as she went to the bowl she reached in there and pulled on one slip in each bowl. She walked to the podeum. She anouce the first name it was Sam stoll. He was good at weilding strong metal.

The next one was Cindy della was a blonde head girl who like to go hunting some time. the next next to where twins hazel and Frank.

That's when I she called the next name Rose Anderson. I walked up to the stage and stand where they wanted to me. that's when they called Alex Callwell. My heart skipped a beat when i saw his golden brown hair and those sea green eyes he stand next to me. The instructer said that she will spin the wheel to diside who will lead their own quest. The wheel spun and started to slow down it stooped on me. They said that we had to five minutes to say are goodbye.

My sister was crying out tears. She ran at me yelling "I don't want you to leave who's going to take care of me." I hugged her long as possible. I rubbed my sleeve on my sister face to sock up the tears. " if Tommy don't mind watching you till I get back." That's when he just nodded after listening to me. he stared at me, and I whispered thank you to him and I smiled.

then I cupped my hands around my sister face and gave her hug. That when I started to cry. I quickly stoped and whipped it off. I gives a kiss to my sister on her head and walked over to my friend his smile vanished and had a sad look on his face. I gave him a hug and said " it's alright I promise to stay a live.

"I know it's just I'm really going to miss you rose. Tommy said. he hugged me. While he was hugging me I said " I'm going to miss you too" I let go of him and said goodbye to both them. I left without say a word heading to the gates.

I walked over to the group of people waiting for me. " Hay!" I said they all waved. we all left out of the city and walked to the bridge. we all sat there eating sandwiches.

Then Austin spoke up " so team leader what's are quest?" Everyone looked at me. I thought what am I going to say but would they think I'm crazy or what.

I hesitated before the word came out of my mouth. I spoke " Ah i like it best if you call me Rose. getting my our facts straight. Well this quest is really about me going to revenged my mother's death by the killers ." Everyone went silent.

Then Cindy spoke up " that's all in the dark lands and we need a map. you can't do this to your self they'll kill even if you get in how are you going to get out?"

"Luckily I have different maps of the world. I notice I couldn't do it on my own that's why I was glad that I gotten to lead. I would of volunteer to go.Before we leave we need to know what everyone strength and weeknes." I said. every one agreed. First Frank went first he was good at mapping out stuff and bending metal. Also his weekness was running. his sister was kind of the same except water. Then I. said my strength was fighting sword and knife throwing I lied to them and said I had no weeknes. then Austin said he was camping and fighting he had been scared of heights. then Cindy told us she good at hunting and tracking.

I handed the map to Hazel. she said we have to go first throw the woods. We got up walked away from the bridge. I realized that I was leaving my family, friends,hometown. I remember my self saying goodbye to them all in my mind As for us we asend in to the unknown woods.

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