Chapter Eleven;

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A couple of days past, Calum and Veronica has been together almost twenty four seven. Veronica finally met Michael, and Luke. They were hilarious but a bit strange. Michael dyed his hair way too much, and Luke was a giant compared to her. Calum was lighting her up like a light bulb. He genuinely made her happy, and feel silly but Ashton was still in the back of her mind. What was  Makayden and Ashton doing? Were they happy?

It was friday, and there was no school for today so Chelsea and Veronica decided to have some girl time without Calum. Even though, he begged and whined to join. Even tried to sell them his friend secrets. “I can tell you what Michael does at night, c’mon guys I want to join!” Veronica just kissed his cheek, and pushed him out the door. Chelsea shook her head, and snickered about her brother. “He’s really something that boy.”

“I know.” Veronica smiled, and walked up the stairs to her room. She walked to her door to see a note sticking to it. She pulled it off, and opened it to see her mother’s elegant script. “I’ll be home at five to see Ashton’s parents. Be ready by then. Love, Mom. xox” Veronica groaned as she forgot that they were suppose to be going to Ashton’s house tomorrow for dinner. Chelsea seemed to be looking over her shoulder, making Veronica jump. “Sorry, and what’s this about Ashton’s house?”

“Ashton’s mom invited us for dinner tomorrow. I totally forgot about it.” She sighed, and opened her bedroom door. She hopped onto her bed, and put the note out of her eyesight. Did Ashton really want her there anymore? She knew she shouldn’t be thinking of him in that way. He had Makayden, and she had Calum. Cute, adorable, silly Calum but she kept thinking about Ashton. It’s like she can’t let go. “You know, Veronica. I can’t believe you’re going out with the humper. It’s quite annoying. He won’t shut up about it, I’m not even fucking joking. He literally skips around the house, saying he has a hot girlfriend. It’s pathetic, really.”

“He does not. I know Calum’s weird but not that weird.” Veronica laughed, and had to ask Calum the truth about this when she sees him next. Chelsea hopped onto the bed next to her and nodded. “I quote, “I have a hot girlfriend, you don’t hahaha” unquote. He thinks hes the coolest now because of you. Thanks for bring this riot into my house.” Veronica laughed, just imagining Calum doing that. “Okay, he’s really weird.”

“You don’t say?” Chelsea blinked, and snickered. Chelsea sighed deeply, and Veronica asked her what was wrong. Chelsea licked her lips, and looked at her. “Please don’t tell my brother this, please? I have a crush on someone...” Veronica promised that she wouldn’t tell Calum, and asked who it was with excitement. It was obvious it was either Michael or Luke. She bet it was Luke out of those two. Chelsea put on a dreamy expression, and sighed. “It’s Michael. He’s so cute, adorable and he likes ponies. I mean, ponies are weird but he makes them sound so interesting. The way he jokes around, and laughs makes me melt.”

Veronica sighed as she listened to Chelsea talk about Michael. She realized it sounded like Chelsea was in love with Michael by the way she spoke about him. Veronica smiled at how Chelsea got so animated, also. Using her hands, and her voice to make it seem it was happening right in front of them, Veronica finally stopped her, and smiled at her. “That’s so beautiful, Chelsea. Michael would be lucky to have someone like you!”

“Are you sure?” Veronica never seen Chelsea be so shy before. Veronica reassured her that she was gorgeous, and Michael would be stupid not to. Chelsea automatically hugged, and squeezed Veronica to death. “You’re hurting me, you know?” Chelsea flew back, and laughed. “I’m sorry, I just can’t believe it that someone would like Michael and I together.”

“Anyways, Let’s talk about what’s going to happen tomorrow night! Do you think Ashton would bring Makayden? Because if you find out, Calum would be more than happy to go with you since he hasn’t seen Ashton’s parents in forever.” Chelsea thought out loud, and Veronica wanted to call Ashton to see if it was still happening tomorrow. Veronica turned to grab her home phone to dial Ashton’s home phone. Chelsea clapped like a five year old, and Veronica was nervous to even call his house.

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