Chapter Four;

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Veronica smirked as she walked into Chemistry that block. She walked straight to Ashton’s table and sat down next to him. He sighed when he heard the stool screech on the floor.  She just sat there looking at the front of the class, not saying anything. She didn’t know how to ask him to come to the carnival with her and her new fries. Sighing, she turned to Ashton. Ashton was just sitting there, looking at whatever. “Ashton..”

“You already have an answer from me, why are you still bothering me?” Ashton’s hands clenched on the table. She just sighed before thinking it might be a lost cause just asking him. He’s probably even going to say something mean again. “I was going to ask you a question, Ashton. It’s not a big deal.” Veronica just turned from facing him to face the desk. Ashton deeply sighed before answering. “What’s your question?”

“Do you want to go to a carnival with me tomorrow night?” Veronica looked at Ashton, who was ‘looking’ back at her. Her cheeks burned, disbelieving she actually had guts to ask him. Ashton looked thoughtful for a minute or so. He licked his full lips that made Veronica feel hot for some odd reason. The teacher called for everyone’s attention right when Ashton was going to speak so she didn’t get the answer.

She felt a hand touch her forearm that traced up her arm to her shoulder. She stiffened when she felt hot breath on ear. Only person on her left was Ashton, so she wasn’t surprised when he was the one whispering in her ear. “I’ll pick you up at Six.”  He leaned back from her and she almost felt like she was going to have a heart attack. He was so close to her. Why was she feeling like this?

The hour of class was draining on and on for her. She couldn’t even pay attention to the teacher, she could only pay attention to the boy next to her. She wondered if that what he wanted. To make her know he’s next to her and make her weak. She sighed a little bit too loudly so everyone turned around to look at her. Cheeks burning red, she looked down at the table top but not before hearing the word “Smooth” coming from Ashton Irwin’s mouth.


It was the night of the carnival and Veronica was getting ready. At lunch time, she sat with Calum and his friends, who she found out were Michael and Luke, to talk over about the arrangements with Ashton. Calum and Veronica didn't tell Michael, Luke or Chelsea that Ashton was coming so they wouldn’t act weird and stuff. Calum and her just said it was one of her cousins coming to town.  In Chemistry, Veronica briefly told Ashton where she lived and such than Ashton made some mean remarks than school ended.

Pulling on her Nirvana shirt, and some skinny jeans. She thought she was ready to go at ten to six. She bounced down the stairs to the door and waited for him to arrive. She was nervous since told her that he would go. Her mother wasn’t home, as usual, to meet him and she was glad. She didn’t know what her mother was going to say about Ashton. She jumped out of her thoughts when the doorbell rang. She waited a few minutes so he didn’t think she was waiting for him, when she was.

“Hello!” She almost slapped herself for sounding too cheery at Ashton. Ashton just shook his head, and laughed a little. He was wearing a Nirvana shirt with black skinnies also. She giggled as she saw they matched. Ashton’s eyebrow shot up at her giggling and he asked what was so funny. “Well, we basically have the same outfit on.”

“Seriously?” He groaned as he stepped out of the way for her. She rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her and locked it. She took Ashton’s arm before leading the way. She asked how he got here since he was blind and can’t really see where he was going. “My mom dropped me off. I know, I’m so cool.”

“Hella cool, Ashton.” Veronica smiled as she lead Ashton down the sidewalk. Calum told her how to get the the carnival, it was basically two blocks away from the school. Ashton held on to her tightly. She blushed thinking of him touching her. She still felt the burning sensation as he touched her. “We are almost there than we’ll wait.”

“Wait for what?” Veronica knew he was going to ask that, she breathed out nervously. What was going going to say? She can’t lie to him and be dishonest. She also didn’t want him to leave. “What are we going to wait for?”

“Just some friends from school.” She was telling the truth, they were from school. She just didn’t say they’re names. Ashton looked confused and asked if he knew them. She gulped since she didn’t know what to say. Would he leave if she told him the truth or not? She sighed before answering his question. “Yeah, maybe. I don’t know, I’ve only been here for like three days, maybe?”

Ashton stopped right before they got the the carnival’s entrance where you heard noise, laughter and the smell of fried food. Ashton turned to Veronica with a serious face. She knew this was going to be bad and she just wanted to run far away. Ashton’s jaw tensed and released. “We’re going to be hanging out with Calum and them, aren’t we? We’re going to hang out with your boyfriend and them? Great, I’m leaving.”

“Ashton! Calum is not my boyfriend, and I wanted you here. Please stay.” Veronica said in a soft voice that made Ashton sigh. She knew that she got him to stay even though he was stubborn as hell. “You know, I won’t talk to them. If I do, it’s going to be threw you.” Ashton commented, and Veronica knew he was going to be a pain in the butt. “Ashton, can you just have fun and not be rude or mean?”

“I am going to have fun, okay? Why do you think I came with you?” Ashton’s voice was hard but scared like he felt like she was going to reject him. Veronica’s heart felt something warm and there was a bright smile on her face. She held on to him a little tighter. “I just don’t want to be with them.”

Veronica was about to say something before Chelsea draped her arm around Veronica’s neck. She sighed before thinking of a way to get rid of them now since she just wanted to spend some time with Ashton alone. This might even be the only time he would actually want to hang out with her. “Hey, girl. I didn’t know you were bringing Ashton. I thought you said-”

“Ashton, can you just wait here? I need to talk to Chelsea for a second.” Ashton nodded the wrong way which made Veronica giggle a little. Ashton unlinked his arm slowly and made sure his hand skimmed her arm slowly. Veronica grabbed Chelsea and also Calum on the way. She stopped to turn to them with a serious face. They looked at her confused. “Okay, Ashton and I are going in alone.”

“What? I thought you were coming with us.” Chelsea argued with her arms crossed over her chest. Calum was smiling with his teeth out, which freaked Veronica out. “So, you’re just ditching us for Ashton?”

“No, not really. He knew who you guys were when I said we had to wait for someone and he was about to leave. I said that I wanted him here and that we could go by yourselves.” She lied to them, not telling them what Ashton said. Chelsea sighed, while Calum just smiled. Chelsea looked over at her brother, and shook her head then looked back at Veronica. “Fine but you have to tell me everything on Sunday.” Veronica smiled and nodded at her. “Thanks guys!”

“Yeah, yeah. Go see your boyfriend.” Veronica rolled her eyes and left to go back to Ashton. Ashton jumped when she slipped her arm threw his. He calmed down when he realized it was her. She giggled at him before leading him to the ticket booth. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Yeah, nearly had a heart attack, Kitten.” Veronica’s heart almost burst threw her chest when he called her that. She looked down and blushed. He chuckled when she didn’t say anything back and unlinked their arms so he could reach down to her hand. He intertwined their fingers together and held her hand. Veronica looked at their hands, a bubbling feeling was felt in her gut.She tried to push those feelings down for now. They walked up to the ticket booth and the guy behind the counter creeped her out.

His name tag said “Herbie”, and he had a long black beard. He asked how many tickets they needed and Veronica said two. “That will be fifteen dollars.” Veronica took out her wallet to pay for the tickets but got beat by Ashton, who paid for both. The vendor gave Ashton his change and they walked into the carnival. “Ashton, you didn’t have to pay for it. I asked you to come, I should’ve paid for them-”

“Shut up, gentlemen pay for the ladies. If not, their pretty shitty guys.” Ashton scoffed, and asked what they were going to go on first. Veronica pulled him to the first ride she saw and laughed when Ashton complained that she was going to pull of his arm. She was already having a good time and it wasn’t because of the cotton candy that looked delicious.

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