Chapter One;

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Veronica didn’t know where to go, who to ask as she walked down the foreign hallways of her new school. She’d might as well be in a maze that she couldn’t get out of. Tugging a piece of blonde hair behind her right ear, she looked at her schedule again to look for the room number. Groaning in frustration at herself, she’s utterly and completely lost with no one around since she got there way too early. She blamed her Mom for being early, telling it was tardy to be late on the first day of a new school.

When Veronica heard squeaking shoes walking down the hallway, she bolted toward it. At least, someone was here to help her. She turned the corner, more sharply than she intended in the first place. Smiling, she saw a girl with her locker open. The girl was the same height as her and had big rimmed glasses that didn't fit her face. Veronica made her way toward her, clutching her books to her chest. Standing next to the girl, she cleared her throat. “Hello, I’m, um, Veronica. I’m new here and I can’t find my classroom. I, uh, was wondering if you could help me, maybe?” Veronica’s face was probably red from being embarrassed.

“Let me have a look at your schedule.” The girls voice was soft like a pillow. Veronica handed her schedule over to the girl and waited for her answer. Bouncing on her toes, the girl giggled a little before handing the paper back. Veronica raised her eyebrow at the girl. “We both have all the same classes, so I guess we both can go to each class together today.”

“Really? That would be great.” Veronica’s face had a million watt smile on it. She maybe can make a friend today unlike at her old school, where she had none. The nodded before telling Veronica to follow her. “So, what’s your name?”

“I’m Chelsea Hood.” Chelsea nodded at her before walking into a room that was their first class; English. Veronica followed Chelsea to the front and slid into the desk next to the one Chelsea was at. Veronica didn’t want to be alone on the first day and she didn’t want to be a stranger in the back. “So, why did you move here?”

“Um, My mom got a promotion here from Toronto. We found a house here for a reasonable price and moved.” She shrugged at Chelsea, she didn’t know what else to say. It was basically the reason why they moved, it was nothing exciting like someone else’s would be. Chelsea just nodded, not asking anything about it. “It just sucks that I have to start over.”

“Yeah, that must suck moving away from your friends..” Chelsea frowning at her.

“I wouldn’t know.” Veronica shrugged as a certain sadness came over her. She wouldn’t know how if feels to leave a friend behind, She shook her head to get out all the thoughts that was running threw her head. She wanted to start over, not stay in the past. She wanted friends, and she wanted to live. Chelsea had a frown on her face and Veronica just shrugged. “I didn’t have friends at my old school, no one wanted to be anyways.”

“I guess, you just found yourself one.” Chelsea smiled at her, and Veronica swears that her smile couldn’t fit her face.


“That was boring.” Veronica couldn’t help but say after English class was over and they were in the hallway. Chelsea snickered beside her as she lead them to art class. The English teacher, Miss Callion, wouldn’t stop talking. She drained on, and on about the oxford comma. Which wasn’t that much of a big deal to Veronica. Veronica started to daydream about something that she didn’t watch where she was going, so she bumped right into something. Her eyes wide and her hands flying toward the person shoulders, her apologies came out like a rush storm. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I should of have watched where I was going!”

“Yeah, you should’ve had.” A harsh voice shot out at her, which felt like someone was stabbing her. She finally got a good look at this dude from arms length. He was taller than her, auburn curly hair that was coming over his eyes that was covered in sunglasses, and was wearing dark clothes. She noticed a stick he was holding in his hand, and she recognized it. It was a walking stick for the blind. She automatically felt way worse for bumping into a person who didn’t even see HER coming. “You can let go of me now.”

“I’m sorry again. I really should’ve been watching where I was going.” Veronica automatically threw her hands to her side. She felt a blush on her cheeks that made her feel embarrassed even though she knew that he couldn’t see her. As they stood there, people walked passed them calling out ‘freak’ or ‘someones giving sympathy to the blind’. Veronica’s eyebrows frowned, and she was confused. Do they call him this everyday? “Do they say this to you everyday?”

“What’s it matter to you? Can you move, I have somewhere to be.” His voice was hard, and threatening. Veronica moved out of the way the fast as she could, she also even made a noise so he knew that she did. He groaned before beelining it out of there, not seeming to care if he bumped into anything else. She stared after him, wondering what was his problem.

“Wow, this is your first day and you get into it with him.” Chelsea’s voice was shocked and amused at the same time.Veronica shot around to her and looked her straight into the eyes. She was curious about who he was and why he was so mean. She didn’t understand why she got treated that way when she apologized for bumping into him. “Don’t worry about it, he’s just sour since he got blind. We all know he’s just angry for losing his vision over everything. My brother. who was his best friend, tried to help him after he got blind and just pushed him away. Ashton wouldn’t let anyone help him at all. He spends most of his time alone, by himself. No one dares go near him.”

“Ashton? That’s his name?” Veronica’s cheeks went red just hearing his name and she really needed to stop that. She just found out his name, not that he liked her. Which they knew that he totally didn’t like her, he didn't even like anyone to be his friend. Chelsea nodded while smirking. “Why are you smirking at me? Is there something on my face?”

“Yeah, tomato juice. Oh wait, you’re just blushing because of Ashton Irwin!” Chelsea giggled, hiding her face in her hands. Veronica looked down at the ground since her cheeks went more red, if that was possible since they were already too dark of a shade before. “Veronica has a crush on Ashton, Veronica has a cru-”

“Chelsea!” An almost strong voice yelled out Chelsea’s name, making her stop chanting like a maniac. Which Veronica mentally thanked whoever did call out her name that made her stop. Chelsea seemed the groan at hearing the boys voice and rolled her eyes. A boy about six foot came up to her with a small smile on his tan skinned face. His brown hair was swept against his forehead. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

“Veronica, this is my twin brother, shitface.” Chelsea smirked as her brother frowned deeply that made Veronica giggle. The boy just slapped Chelsea in the arm, which Chelsea let out a fake moan. “Ow, that hurt! Fine, this is Calum. Calum, this is Veronica. She’s new, and don’t be an ass to her.”

“Hello, Beautiful.” His voice purred as he looked straight into Veronica’s eyes. Veronica’s face went red again as she turned her face to the ground. She felt the bubbling of embarrassment bubble up in her gut. This never happened to her before; Being hit on by the opposite gender. Veronica heard Chelsea yell at Calum for hitting on her friend, which Veronica smiled at being called her friend. “Alright, alright! I’ll stop but if she likes it, I won’t!”

“Well, leave!” Chelsea shooed off her brother, and he just huffed before leaving back to his friends. Chelsea snickered, which Veronica seemed to think that was Chelsea’s favourite thing to do was snicker at stuff. She looked at Chelsea than at the floor. “Sorry about my brother, he likes to hit on things with legs. He also has a bad habit of humping things, just don’t tell him I told you. He’d kill me, if you knew or anyone for that matter.”

“I promise, my hips are sealed shut.” Chelsea bursted out laughing at Veronica’s joke. Veronica didn’t even know what came out of her, she never joked like that before with someone and it made her feel good. That she’s finally found her start over but at the same time she was having such a laugh. Something was bugging her in the back of her brain, the person she doesn’t seem to shake away. Ashton Irwin.

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