Chapter Two;

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It was lunch time after art class, and Veronica was heading down to the Cafeteria alone since Chelsea mixed up reading her schedule. Veronica walked into the cafe to see barely anyone sitting in there. Her eyes stopped to see Ashton eating in the far back. She also saw Chelsea’s brother, Calum, sitting with his friends but she didn’t want to bother them with her presence. Maybe, she could bother Ashton with her presence.

Breathing in some air, she made her way toward Ashton’s table. She finally got there without no complications and reached out for a chair to scrape the floor. Ashton’s head snapped from staring out the window to where the sound came from. Veronica smiled at the confusion that she could see on Ashton’s face. “Who’s there?”

“Veronica.” Veronica sat down, and scooted into the table more. Ashton raised his eyebrow up in confusion even more. She sighed before explain who she was. Ashton’s jaw tensed up and she swore he was glaring at her from behind his sunglasses. Her cheeks blushed again from feeling his stare on her even though, she knew he couldn’t see her. “Uh, yeah. You looked like you needed someone to sit with,so I guess I decided to sit with you.”

“Well, you’re wrong. I don’t need anyone to sit with. I’m perfectly fine on my own.” Ashton’s voice was raw and his face wasn’t giving anything off. Veronica felt embarrassed that she even tried to be his friend when he clearly had no one. What was his problem? She was only trying to be nice to him and all he gave back was anger. “Are you just going to sit there or?”

“Yes, I am. Just because you push everyone away because you’re angry doesn’t mean I’m not going to give up anytime soon.” Thank god, Veronica still had her stubbornness to her. She could thank her mother for giving her that. Ashton groaned loudly and shook his head. “So what’s it going to be?”

“You won’t give up, will you?” He leaned forward on the table towards Veronica. Veronica nodded than mentally slapped herself. He couldn’t see her nodding, so she orally said that she wouldn’t. Ashton just stared or did nothing for a few minutes before answering her. “Fine, walk me to class.”

“Alright.” She stood up to walk a few steps to stand next to him. His hands felt up to her forearm to link his right arm with her left. Her arm felt like it was on fire when he touched her skin. She gulped, and held onto him. They walked slowly to his next class, which was also her next class. When they finally got to the Chemistry room, Ashton let go of her arm and her arm felt bare, naked. She frowned at herself, and shook her head. Ashton walked to the back of the class.  “Alright, I’ll sit with you.”

“You already walked to me to class, and now you want to sit with me. Do you ever get a hint and just leave me alone?” Ashton groaned as he sat in his seat at the back of the room. Veronica just rolled her eyes even if he couldn’t see her. “I might not see but I’m guessing you just rolled your eyes.”

“I’m not even going to ask.” Veronica’s cheeks went red as she sat to the right of him. She was kinda glad he couldn’t see her, it was embarrassing how much she blushes while with him. Ashton sighed next to her, probably not even for her to notice. She looked over to him to see that he pulled out things from his backpack. That included his notebook, and a cell phone made for the blind. Ashton than made a groaning noise, and flicked his head over to Veronica. “I might be blind but I can feel you staring. Do I even ask why you’re staring at me for?”

“Um, I was just thinking..” Veronica turned her head to the front, and saw a few people looking at them and whispering. She rolled her eyes, it’s like Ashton was a disease and anyone who talked to him had it. Ashton didn’t answer back, and she was kinda glad for that. She didn’t know what to say to him. It wasn’t because he was blind or anything, it was because she felt something was always in her throat when she was around him.

Veronica was excited when the Chemistry teacher walked in that she almost jumped out of her seat to yell. It was her favourite subject in school, she actually took it for two years than just one. She was too interested in this subject, and wanted to do something later in life that involved Chemistry. She heard a chuckle come from beside her, and she knew it was Ashton. “What’s so funny?”

“I feel you bouncing in your chair, I’m guessing this is someone’s favourite subject.” Ashton smirked, Veronica almost fell of the chair seeing him do something that wasn’t with a scowl on his face. Her face was probably a light shade of red of being caught red handed about being dorky about her favourite subject. “I’m taking your silence as a yes.”

“Yeah, It is. I’ve took this class for two years, to be honest. It’s just really interesting and I’m planning to do something with it later in life.” Veronica had a huge smile on her face about how proud she was. Her mother was really proud of her for finding something she enjoyed and supports her one hundred percent of the way. Ashton had a small smile on his face and it made her confused. Why was he being all nice to her now? “What are you planning to do?”

Ashton’s face hardened, and his expression went blank. Veronica sighed, knowing that he put his walls back up. “How about you just leave me alone, okay?”

“Just because you’re blind, Ashton. Doesn’t mean you’re useless.” With that, Veronica turned her attention to the teacher and making Ashton speechless.


“I’ve heard you walked to class AND sat beside Ashton! Is this true, V?” Chelsea questioned as she walked up to Veronica after class. Veronica’s face went red and looked down. Was everyone talking about this around the school? Sighing, she remembered how after Chemistry, Ashton refused help from Veronica. Chelsea shook her and she looked up from the floor and dreaming about Ashton. “It’s so true, you’ve became friends with your crush!”

“I don’t have a crush on him, Chels!” Veronica denied as her face went red just thinking about having a crush on Ashton. He was gorgeous, had cute dimples but she will not have a crush on him. He was mean, and pushed everyone away. How could she like someone like that? Chelsea looked at her like she didn’t believe a word Veronica was saying. “Chelsea, you would be the first to know if I had a crush on Ashton, if possible with a person with that kind of attitude he has.”

“He was a really nice, funny person before he got blind. Calum and I always wondered how he got blind.” Chelsea snickered as she looked far out in the distance. Veronica was now curious too. Since Calum was Ashton’s best friend, and he would know if he got into an accident or not but if he didn’t, then how did he get blind? “Anyways, want to come over to my place? I promise, Calum the humping machine won’t be there.”

“Alright, Chels.”

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