He's coming

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Fuli was just returning to the den at PrideRock. It is late in the afternoon. Fuli stops just outside the den when she hears the booming voice of Scar.
"What is Scar?" Stutters Kopa. He was clearly afraid.
"Kion is alive! I thought YOU killed him." Continues Scar.
"Alive? How?" Asks Kopa.
"That's what I'd like to know. I heard his roar. He's coming, I know it." Snarls Scar
"Kion is coming back? Janja!" Commands Kopa.
"What now?" Janja snaps.
"Kion is alive and he's coming back. I want you to gather the hyenas and jackals to defend the Pridelands. Make sure you find Queen Fuli and take her to the Outlands. I don't want her trying to escape or helping them." Continues Kopa.
"Yeah sure. Hyenas! Jackals! Go now! Cheezi, Chungu, you're with me." Orders Janja.
Fuli runs away from the den as fast as she can.
'Kion's coming back? I need to find him before they do' thinks Fuli. 'Where could he be?'

"I think she went this way." Says Janja.
Fuli hides in the tall grass, not daring to make a sound.
"Are you sure boss?" Asks Cheezi.
"I don't know fur-brain! Because I don't know where Fuli is!" He Snaps.
"Why do you let Kopa boss you around?" Asks Chungu.
"Because Scar made him king and not me. If I want to be Scar's favourite, I will be the first to kill Kion, then Scar will make ME king." Laughs Janja evilly.
Fuli watches the hyenas walk away and sighs in relief.
"I need to find Kion." Whispers Fuli to herself as she runs off to try and find him.

Hi everyone, I thought I'd be nice today and upload 2 chapters. I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I've been writing them. The positive feedback and the love blows me away. Thank you all so much!

I am working on the last few chapters and I've decided to put it to a vote. If you want to vote, it means you get a spoiler, if you don't want that...wait until you get the next chapter. Any way here's the vote:

Kopa is defeated by the lion guard and how do you want him to end?
1. Dies
2. Gets banished, never to be seen again

To vote, leave your number and any other comments in the comment section.

Thanks again,
Love the from the author.

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