Kopa's attack

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At the Lion Guard lair.
Kion and Fuli wake up in each other's arms.
"Morning Fuli." Yawns Kion.
"Morning Kion." Smiles Fuli as she licks his cheek.
They both stand up and stretch until Bunga comes flying in and lands on Fuli's back.
"ZUKA ZAMA!" He cheers.
"Bunga, get off me!" Growls Fuli.
"Do I have to? Your fur is so soft." Says Bunga as he strokes her back.
Fuli sits down and Bunga slides off her back. He gives her sad puppy dog eyes.
"That's not gonna work on me Bunga." Snaps Fuli.
Bunga shrugs. "Worth a shot."
Beshte and Ono enter the lair.
"Morning guys." Greets Beshte.
"Morning!" Says Kion, Fuli and Bunga.
"Ready for patrol?" Asks Kion.
Everyone nods.
"Mind if I join you?" Asks a voice.
Everyone turns to see Kopa entering the lair.
"Morning guys. Hey beautiful." Says Kopa eyeing Fuli.
"Ugh. Kopa." She says coldly.
"That's my girlfriend you're talking to." Defends Kion.
"Mind if I join you on patrol?" Asks Kopa brushing off what Kion just said.
"I don't see why not." Says Ono.
"Thanks Bogo." Smiles Kopa.
"It's Ono." Corrects Ono calmly.
Kopa ignores him and heads to the entrance. "Are you coming or what?"
The guard look at each other then back at the entrance. Bunga is the first to start walking followed by Ono who flew then Beshte then Kion and Fuli.

While on patrol, Fuli didn't take her eyes off Kopa.
'There is something fishy going on with him' she thought.
"Are you ok Fuli?" Asks Kion so only Fuli could hear.
"Don't you think it's a little weird how Kopa wanted to come on patrol and not...you know, flirt with with me all the time?" Fuli whispers back.
"Now that you mention it, it does sound a little weird. We'll just have to keep an eye on him." Replies Kion.
"What do think I've been doing for the past hour?" Snaps Fuli.

Patrol finally finished and Fuli couldn't shake off the weirdness of Kopa. Bunga, Beshte and Ono leave the lair to go to the waterhole so it just left Kion, Kopa and Fuli alone.
"So what are two lovebirds doing?" Asks Kopa.
"I don't know. Maybe go to Hakuna Mutata Falls." Replies Kion.
"Well you two have fun. I've got places to be and things to see. Catch you guys later." Says Kopa leaving the lair.
"That was weird." Mutters Fuli.
"You said it." Agrees Kion.
"So shall we go to Hakuna Mutata Falls?" Asks Fuli.
"Let's go."

Outside the lair Kopa was listening to their conversation to make sure that was actually where they were going. He waits until Kion and Fuli leave before running to the Outlands.

"It is time!" Shouts Kopa running into the cave.
"Let's get them boys!" Commands Janja.
Kopa leads the hyenas to the falls.

At Hakuna Mutata Falls...
Kion and Fuli are exploring the jungle. They are walking side by side talking talking about battle strategies.
"Don't you think it would be a great attack if someone jumps on Beshte then onto whoever is trying to attack or get away?" Asks Fuli.
"That sounds awsome." Replies Kion. "Mind if we take a break from walking?"
Fuli nods and sits down and Kion does the same.
"How have you been holding up with the responsibility of being second in command?" Asks Kion.
"A little stressful and I guess sometimes I forget that I'm second, not first." Replies Fuli.
"And I need to remember that their is more than one leader and I'm sorry about that." Says Kion sadly.
Fuli kisses and nuzzles him. "It's ok."
Kion nuzzles Fuli until someone pushes him. Kion looks up to see who pushed him. He sees a pack of hyenas surround Fuli and a lion cub walking towards him.
"Sorry to barge in on your date but I want you dead." Snarls Kopa
Fuli tries to fight off the hyenas but Janja pins her down.
"Get off me!" She snaps.
"This reminds me of the time when Tiffu and I knocked you and Kion out except this time there is no Tiffu and no one is knocking out anyone." Growls Janja.
Fuli tries to stand but Janja keeps her on the ground.
"Kion!" She groans as she once again tries to stand.
"Let Fuli go! It's me you want!" Orders Kion.
"I have the both of you and one of us dies right here, right now." Growls Kopa.
Kion and Kopa walk around in a circle until Kopa lashes out at Kion with his paw raised. Kion dodges and scratches Kopa's hip. He winces in pain. Kion tackles him and digs his claws into his back. Kopa rolls onto his stomach and squishes Kion. He is dazed but he gets back up his feet. Kopa grabs his tail and swings him away.
"Kion!" Cries Fuli.
Kion looks at Fuli. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. Kopa charges into Kion and bites his neck and scratches his face. Kion collapses at the edge of a cliff. Kopa walks to him and smiles wickedly.
"Goodbye Kion."
He pushes Kion over the edge off the cliff.
"Kion!" Screams Fuli as tears fill her eyes.
She kicks Janja in the stomach and runs to the edge.
"Kion!" Fuli shouts.
From the bottom of the cliff, Kion looks up to see Fuli clawing at the edge trying to get to him. Kion watches as the hyenas and Kopa drag her away.
Her voice starts to become an echo as Kion slowly falls unconscious.
"Kion!" Fuli screams one last time before Kion closes his eyes.

Return of Kopa #4Where stories live. Discover now