Family reunited

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"I sense him." Says Scar appearing from the lava.
"What?" Asks Chungu.
"This Kopa is near by?" Asks Janja.
"Yes he is. Go get him and bring him here...alive." Orders Scar.
The hyenas run outside to track this mysterious Kopa.
"What does he look like?" Asks Cheezi.
"Scar said he's a lion cub." Replies Janja.
"Janja, I think a see a lion cub walking this way!" Says Mzingo the vulture.
The hyenas hide behind rocks until the lion walks past.
"Hello there lion cub, where do you think you're going?" Laughs Janja.
"I'm going to the Pridelands and I think I'm lost. Can you point me in the right direction?" Asks the cub.
"We have a friend who'd like to meet you. Care to join us?" Smiles Janja.
The cub shakes his head but before he could say anything, Cheezi knocks him out. The hyenas take the lion cub into the volcano.

"Wake up little lion cub." Whispers Scar.
The lion cub opens his eyes and he tries to run away from Scar but he get blocked by the hyenas.
"I understand that you're scared but there's no need to fear us. Kopa's your name, correct?" Says Scar.
"How did you know?" Squeaks Kopa.
"We're family. You're trying to look for your mother and father, am I right?"
Kopa nods.
"I have seen your future, Kopa. You will not like it but we can change that." Purrs Scar.
"What is my future?" Asks Kopa.
"Never mind that, my great nephew. I want you to go to the Pridelands and earn everyone's trust. My hyenas will escort you to the border and will pretend to attack you." Explains Scar.
"Pretend to attack me? Why?" Asks Kopa.
"Let's just say the Pridelanders don't like us that much. Now go." Says Scar.
The hyenas lead Kopa to the entrance of the cave but Scar stops them.
"One last thing. Don't tell the Pridelanders about what happened here and remember, it's our little secret."
"Bye great uncle Scar." Says Kopa.

The hyenas lead Kopa to the boarder of the Pridelands and the Outlands.
"The lion guard should be close by. Kopa, I want you to call for help." Orders Janja.
"What's the lion guard?" Asks Kopa.
Janja rolls his eyes. "You will find out soon enough."
Janja pounces and pins down Kopa while showing his yellow teeth.
"Help! Help!" Cries Kopa.
All of the hyenas laugh until...
"Till the Pridelands end!"
"Lion Guard defend!"
Kopa watches as a group of five animals, a lion, a cheetah, a hippo, an egret and...a honey badger come to his rescue.
"Huweezi!" Yells the cheetah.
Kopa watches the cheetah shove Janja off of him.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
Kopa stares into her green emerald eyes.
'Amazing. She is amazing.'
"Yes I am, thanks to you." Says Kopa.
The cheetah smiles sweetly at him.
"Fuli!" Shouts the lion cub.
The cheetah looks at the lion cub.
"Get behind him." Orders Fuli.
Kopa does what she says and the lion cub roars the hyenas away with the roar of the elders.
"Are you ok?" Asks the lion cub.
"What was THAT!?" Screams Kopa.
"Roar of the elders, duh." Says the honey badger.
"Who are you?" Asks Kopa.
"I'm Kion, the hippo is Beshte, the honey badger is Bunga, the egret is Ono and the cheetah is Fuli." Says Kion.
"I'm Kopa. I'm here because I'm looking for King Simba and Queen Nala." Says Kopa.
"He's my dad. Let's go, I'll take you too him." Smiles Kion.
Kopa nods and follows the group to PrideRock.

*Kopa's head* 'His dad? That's impossible because King Simba is my dad. Did they forget about me by having another cub? (Looks at Fuli) And that cheetah is so beautiful. I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend because she's MINE'.

While walking, Kopa inches closer to Fuli so their fur is almost touching.
"Hey, Fuli right? I never thanked you for saving my life." Says Kopa.
Fuli is feeling a little uncomfortable being this close to someone.
"Uh...that's ok. I was just doing my job." She says trying to force a smile.
"You were amazing." Compliments Kopa.
Kopa steps closer to Fuli. Kion looks over his shoulder and watches the two. Without Kopa noticing, Fuli mouths 'Help'.
"So Kopa, what business do you have with the King?" Asks Kion.
Kopa steps away from Fuli.
"None of your business." He snaps.
This caught Kion and the rest of his friends off guard.
"Geez, you don't have to be so rude about it." Says Beshte, trying to stay calm.
Kopa rolls his eyes and turns to Fuli. "So Fuli, would you like to watch the sunset with me tonight?"
Kion growls at Kopa but not loud enough for him to hear.
" thanks Kopa. I have plans." Lies Fuli.
"What are you doing tonight?" Asks Kopa.
" I'm giving Kion a hunting lesson because his hunting techniques are sloppy." Lies Fuli trying to force a smile.
She turns to look at Kion and he winks at her.
"That's right. Fuli's giving me a hunting lesson." Says Kion.
Kopa growls and glares at Kion. "Ok, maybe some other time. Oh look here we are."

They climb the rocky steps of PrideRock.
"Mum! Dad! There's someone who wants to meet you." Shouts Kion.
King Simba and Queen Nala leave the den to meet Kion and his friends.
"Yes Kion, what is it? (Gasp)" says Simba.
Simba locks eyes on Kopa.
"Kion, what's going on?" Asks Nala.
She also locks eyes on Kopa.
"K...Kopa?" Asks Simba.
"Is it really you?" Asks Nala.
"Mum, dad. I missed you so much!" Cries Kopa.
Simba, Nala and Kopa give each other a big hug.
"What's going on?" Asks Kion.
"Kion...Kopa is your brother." Explains Simba

Return of Kopa #4Where stories live. Discover now