Queen Fuli

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Fuli woke up from her meeting with Kion. Her head hurt like hell but she didn't care, Fuli just wanted to get away from PrideRock before Kopa could try to talk to her. Fuli stands and walls to the entrance.
"Wait for me!" Snaps a voice.
"Badili, do you have to come!" Replies Fuli.
Badili has been ordered by Kopa to watch over Fuli as her bodyguard or as Fuli likes to call it, 'a watchguard'.
"Fuli, trust me. If I could give you some space, I would, but remember the last time I left you alone?" Asks Badili.
Fuli looks at his paw. It's red and still covered in blood.
"I remember." She replies sadly. "I guess being queen puts so much pressure on me that I forget about the people closest to me."
Badili smiles at Fuli. "I know. I just wish I could help."
ReiRei enters the den. "Queen Fuli, the King wants to see you."
A shiver goes down Fuli's spine when ReiRei said this.
"Tell him I'm busy. Run!" Fuli commands and runs as fast as she can away from PrideRock with Badili not far behind her.
Fuli runs to the waterhole, out of breath.
"Kopa's going to be so mad." Breaths Badili.
"I know. But I hate him so it's fun to annoy him." She replies.
Badili laughs at this.
"...until I get scratched or bitten." Fuli continues.
Badili stops laughing and looks at the many scratch and bites marks that covered her body.
"Why do you do this to yourself? He's going to kill you if you're not careful." He says.
"I don't want to be his queen. I just want Kopa to realise that." Says Fuli.
"Mind if I go get a drink?" Asks Badili.
Fuli nods. He leaves to go get a drink. Fuli runs away so no one could hear her sing.
'Days like this I want to drive away
Pack my bags and watch your shadow face
You chewed me up and spit me out
Like I was poison in your mouth
You took my light, you drained me down
But was then and this is now, now look at me

This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!
Throw your sticks and stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you're not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!

I just wanna throw my phone away
Find out who is really there for me
You ripped me off, your love was cheap
Was always tearing at the seams
I fell deep, you let me down
But that was then and this is now, now look at me

This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!
This is the part of  me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!
Throw your sticks and stone, throw your bombs and your blows
But you're not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!

Now look at me I'm sparkling
A firework of dancing flame
You won't ever put me out again I'm glowin' oh woah
So you can keep the diamond ring
It don't mean nothing anyway
In fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah except for me

This is the part of me
That you're never ever gonna take away from me, no!
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!
Throw your sticks and stones, your bombs and your blows
But you're not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!
This is the part of me, no
Away from me, no
This is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, no
Throw your sticks and stone, throw your bombs and your blows
But you're not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you're never gonna ever take away from me, no!'

Fuli stops singing as soon as she hears a rustle in the bushes behind her.
"Fuli, why did you run away?" Asks Badili.
"Sorry, I guess I was just too busy thinking that I forgot." Replies Fuli sheepishly.
"You left the queen alone?!" Booms a voice behind them.
Kopa pounces on Badili and starts beating him up.
"Kopa stop!" Shouts Fuli as she pushes him off.
Kopa growls at Fuli as she helps Badili to his feet.
"You dare tell a King what to do?!" Kopa yells.
He pounces and pins her down. Fuli tries to stand but Kopa's claws only dig deeper into skin.
"If my punishments haven't been...hard enough...then I'll just have to show you what it means to be supreme." Kopa sneers.
Kopa gets off her and walks to Badili. He pounces on him and starts scratching and biting him like never before.
"NO!" Fuli screams as she rushes to Badili's side.
Kopa stops and back paws Fuli in the face. She falls to ground with a thud. Kopa stands on her tail just as she tries to get away.
"Take a closer look at Badili, my queen. This is now your punishment if you ever step out line again." Threatens Kopa.
He lets go of Fuli's tail and turns to Badili. "This is your last warning Badili. If you ever leave the queens side again, your punishment with be permanent. Now go."
Badili turns to leave but turns back to look at Fuli.
He mouths "I'm sorry." Then leaves.
"What now?" Asks Fuli turning to Kopa.
"I will be taking you to PrideRock and whatever the hyenas hunt for you, you eat it. Got it?" He replies.
Fuli nods and follows Kopa to PrideRock. She didn't like walking side by side so she walks almost behind him.
"Do the hyenas still over hunt?" Asks Fuli breaking the silence.
"So what if they do? Keeps us well fed." Says Kopa.
"Just because King Simba and Kion are gone, doesn't mean that you should throw away the circle of life. You're just like Scar." She snaps.
Kopa scratches Fuli just under her eye.
"I am nothing like Scar! I am a King! And as my queen, you should give me the upmost respect. You, my dear Fuli, will stand by my side and will do whatever I say!" Kopa orders.
Fuli nods not daring to look at him in the eye.

They eventually made it back to PrideRock. Fuli moves to her corner while Kopa moves to where Simba and Nala usually sleep so he could take a nap until the hyenas got back from their hunt. After half an hour or so, the hyenas returned with an impala for dinner.
"Dinners served your majesties." Says Janja coldly.
Fuli could see from his expression that Janja hated being pushed around by Kopa.
"Have you eaten, Janja?" She asks.
"Why would you care?" He snaps as he and his pack leave then den.
Fuli sighs and eats the impala. This has been the most she's eaten in the last few weeks.
"Next time, I'm hunting my own food." She says.
"Because I didn't earn this meal."
Fuli smiles at this. 'I can hunt by myself?!'
She decides to say nothing just in case Kopa changes his mind.

A few hours later, Fuli decides to go hunt by herself. She wasn't really hungry but she thought she just wanted some time alone. Fuli spots a rabbit and starts stalking it. She pounces on it and kills it.
"Awesome job Fuli." Says a voice behind her.
"Kion?" Fuli asks turning to where she heard the voice.
No one was there. Fuli takes a better look at the area.
"This is where I helped Kion practice his hunting." She says to herself. "Where are you Kion. I miss you."

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