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TERRIFIED. Absolutely terrified. I stood outside the entrance a grimace on my face as I stared up at the gigantic Castle that stood high and mighty in front of me with stones and bricks as it's main support and with beautiful light purple pillars.

"Haven." My mom says and I turn to her my eyes alight with unspoken delight, but no matter how beautiful the Castle was, fear was still rolling off me in waves. Large suffocating waves, that tried to yank and drag me under the water, telling me to high tail my ass out of here.

I jumped as a hand landed on my shoulder and looked over to see Adrianus giving me a confident smile I sigh loudly stepping forward and out of his grasp, but before we went up to the front door I grabbed my brother's hand and held it tight. He smiled.

I knocked three times like the invitation told me and the door opened showing a terrifying tall man in a slick black suit with the castles emblem that shows he is a guard. "Names." He says, his tone snappy and sharp and I gulp gently.

"The Rose Residents," I say my tone coming out more confident and loud than I thought it would. I almost smiled.

He looked at a long list before nodding and opening the door wider for us. We were greeted with the hushed music from the Royal Ball Room and we all stepped inside, a delicious smell followed me inside and wrapped itself around me as I walked but I didn't know what. It smelt like a musky forest and black coffee.

We made it to the Ball Room and I gasped at how beautiful everything was, it was coloured in beige and white with gold and silver. There was a chandelier in the middle of the room, it was magnificent with gold that complimented the white diamond work and it just worked together in perfect harmony. My mom grabbed my hand and pulled me inside as I admired the architecture.

"Go get a drink and then meet me on the dance floor." My mom says and I nod, I was parched. I let go of Adrianus's hand and I slipped through the crowds of people and stumbled on my own shoes as I finally managed to escape the mass of people.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with some fruit punch before finding an empty seat, which let me tell you was exceptionally hard, but when I did I sprinted over to it and sat down.

I was extremely grateful for whoever made chairs as I slipped off my shoes for a second and drank my juice. My eyes scanned my surroundings and I saw females wearing beautiful dresses of all shapes, colours, and lengths. Almost all the males were wearing suits and ties with black shoes, I also saw a few bow ties.

"Care to dance?" I hear a voice say from behind me, it was a deep husky voice and I turn around to see a boy who looked a lot like the mystery guy I had seen just days before but with deep green eyes instead of steel blue.

"I.. don't really know how." I stutter causing him to let out a deep chuckle, I laugh too and look down at my knee through the slit in my dress. I play with the fabric of my dress and sigh before looking back up to see him smiling at me.

"I'll teach you, I mean.. I'm quite the dancer myself. We have Royal Ball's almost every month to get better connections with the rich." He says and I give him a gentle smile, he sticks out his hand and I take it. Royal balls every- who is he?

He glides us to the middle of the dance floor and puts one hand on my hip and the other holds my hand, he whisks me around the dance floor gracefully. Something that surprised me was the fact that I didn't stumble, dancing just felt.. natural.

"Oh, I'm sorry I never introduced myself." He laughs and I smile. "My name is Prince Grayson Mostro of The North Kingdom. I am the younger Prince."

My jaw drops to the floor.


yawn I'm tired.

I'm so proud of myself though.. This book is really coming along. :-)

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