Reaper Arc: Episode IV- The Grand Light Solis

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The next morning a jet landed in front of the Solis Mansion and out of it stepped none other than Dante Solis, the leader of the 12 Staffs of order, the world's last defense against the destructive, evil side of magic. Dante had scarlet red hair and blue eyes like his daughter, and carried a sword on his back.

"Dante!" shouts Solis as he teleports outside to give his son a bone-crushing hug. "Nice to see you too, dad. Where's Mia?"

"She's inside, but you know she may not be so thrilled to see you."

"I know, I've got a lot to make up for with her." Dante walks into the mansion where Ken and Skylar are waiting for him, only a few steps away from the door. "You must be Mia's friends. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Ken Todoroki. Big fan." Ken shakes Dante's hand incredibly fast. Skylar knocks Ken out of the way and shakes Dante's hand with a tight grip. "Skylar Slivers, bigger fan."

"That's quite a grip you've got there. Now isn't there one other person?"

"That'd be me. I'm Violet." After saying that, Violet returns to polishing her sword. "Where's Mia?" Dante asks again. "She's upstairs," says Ken. "For some reason, she said she didn't want to see you and to call her when we're ready to leave." 

"I was afraid of that. See, when you're one of the 12 staffs, you don't have much time for family, and as the leader, I have the most responsibility. So I rarely ever get to go home. I left Mia and her mom at home all the time. I can see why she'd think I'm neglecting her." 

"Don't be so hard on yourself son," says Solis. "You do the best you can for her and she'll see that one day."

"I hope so- anyway here's the thing. Reaper and Felix are most likely going to the main base in Egypt."

"Cool," says Ken "we go in there kick everyone's ass and get Felix out."

"All while not getting killed by cultists or demons," adds Violet, "Sounds easy enough." 

"It's normal to have doubts, Violet, but you don't have to be sarcastic about it."

"That wasn't sarcasm."

"I'll never be able to tell with you, will I?"

"Anyway," says Dante, "I did some research on the Jewel of Discord and I think I know what Reaper's plan is for Felix. There's a ritual that's used to erase powerful spirits that try to take control of the hosts mind. If Reaper performs the ritual on himself, it could have the same affect on Felix and the other personalities." 

The others are shocked, "So you mean..." says Skylar, "there'd be no trace of Felix?"

"No, he and the other personalities would be erased from existence forever. Only Reaper would remain. That's why we can't waste anymore time."

"Wait," says Solis, "don't tell me you plan on bringing them with you!"

"There not kids, Dad. They can handle themselves. Plus, they have a connection to Felix that could be crucial to bringing him back."

"Very well then, but I'm coming too."

"Don't you have a school to run? Everyone's already a little on edge because they think demons are running around. If the dean leaves all of a sudden, that won't exactly help things, will it?"

"Good point. Just look after them, okay?"

"Of course."

Ken calls Mia down, "Come on! We're leaving!" When she comes downstairs, her dad greets her with a nervous grin, "Hey, sweetie. Long time, no see. How you been?" Mia looks at her father for a second, looks away and heads outside to the jet without another word. Skylar is right behind her, "Why're you so hard on your old man?"

"For years, he kept ignoring me and mom. I get that his job is important, but... he could at least show up more than once or twice a year!" Mia storms off to the jet. As the group flies off, to Egypt, Mia sits next to her father, but doesn't say a word to him.

Meanwhile, Felix and the other personalities have entered the part of his mind that represents Reaper. "So he's here?" Felix asks. "In a way, yes." says Lux. "The real Reaper is out there preparing the ritual. In here we'll find his conscience."

"So how do I take control back?"

"You have to defeat him. It's your only chance of being in control of your mind again." Naku has a nervous breakdown, "It's also our only hope of staying alive- but what if he can't win? You've seen Felix fight! We're all gonna die!" Tears run down Naku's eyes like a waterfall. Felix has a disappointed look on his face, "Thanks, for the motivation," he says sarcastically. Vanitas puts his hand on Felix's shoulder, "Don't worry, darling, we're all behind you."

"Wow, thanks."

"I mean, our lives are on the line too. If you're erased, we'll be too."

"I see..." with that, they walk into a dark tower. They find a cell with a blonde man who looks malnourished. His skin is pail and his hair is withering. "Who are you?" Felix asks. "He's Burst," Naku answers, "the Embodiment of Joy. He feeds off of happiness, something you haven't felt at all lately." Tears start flowing down Naku's eyes upon seeing Burst's misery. Felix then puts his hand on Burst's shoulder, "I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm going to fix everything. I promise." Burst smiles weakly as the group moves on to find Reaper. "What's that bright violet light?" Felix asks. Helios starts to flare up, "Reaper!" He charges ahead of the group. When they catch up, they find Reaper smiling, carrying Helios on his blade.

The group finally arrives in Egypt's Sahara Desert. After walking for a few miles, Gray and Dante suddenly stop. "Does anyone else sense that?" Gray asks. The girls nod. Dante's eye glows and the silver temple that is the Raven's Eye main headquarters. "Everyone stay behind me," instructs Dante. "We don't know what we'll- and they already went in." Dante runs in after them and finds Skylar, Violet and Ken fighting the demons from Exorcist Watch. "Where's Mia?"

"She ran ahead," answers Ken as he blocks Jugo's barrage of punches. "She said she had some kind of spell to save Felix." Dante runs ahead to find Mia. He sees her fighting Arsene. Mia uses her Mind Over Matter technique, which Arsene easily dodges. When Mia comes in with an Energy Punch, he simply smiles, catches her fist and throws her away. "Who is this guy and how come he's keeping up with Mia without using magic?" Dante asks. When Arsene charges at her, Dante rushes in, his fist glowing with Light Magic, knocking Arsene back. "Who are you?"

"I'm Arsene. You could say I'm Reaper's right hand man. We knew Felix's friends would  try and stop our ritual so he asked me to make sure that never happens." 

Mia picks herself up and is annoyed by her father's presence. "I can handle this myself, Dad!"

"This guy is stronger than you realize! Let me take it from here!"

"The first time you show up in forever, you start bossing me around and treating me like a k-"

"We don't have time to argue. You said you could help Felix?"

"Well, yeah, I was reading about Mind spells before we left, and I think I found something that might work."

"Then go for it. I believe in you, kid."

For a moment, Mia smiles slightly, "Yeah, whatever." She runs to find Reaper while her father battles the second strongest member of Raven's Eye.

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