Introduction Arc: Episode I - New Country, New Friends, New Beginnings

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Emotions are powerful, they can bring out the best and the worst in people. Anger, Pain, Pride, Joy, Desire, Laziness and Fear- for centuries, 7 powerful mages used their magic to make these emotions overflow inside people and almost plunged the world into chaos. But everything changed when the Black Mage decided he wanted the power of the mages for himself. All seven mages died in the resulting clash. The White Sage, a Legendary mage, sealed the powerful magic left in their bodies away in a stone. The magic of the seven evil mages was forever sealed away in stone known as the Jewel of Discord buried deep within the earth...until recently...

It's a rainy evening in Tokyo. A cab carries a young boy from the airport to the prestigious Mayonaka Institute for Gifted Individuals. It's here at M.I.G.I that Felix decides he will start working towards becoming a mage who makes the world a better place. Waiting for him at the front of the school with warm grin is . "You must be the young American I heard so much about. Felix Spark, correct? We're happy to have you here!" Felix has a confused look on his face. "Uh, you're happy to be here to right?", Dean Solis asks.

"Of course," replies Felix, "I just figured I'd see you in your office. I didn't expect you'd be waiting out here in the rain just for me."

"Why not, it's not everyday great, rare talent like you comes to us from other countries."

"Great? Rare?"

"Don't be so modest, boy. Your teachers gave some pretty good recommendations here. I know to expect great things from you. Now let's get out of this rain before you get cold and let's go to your dorm."

After walking for what seemed to be miles, Felix and Solis arrive at his dorm. "Inside you'll find a computer, some beds, a radio, a coffee-maker, a bathroom, a closet and a TV- you know, standard dorm stuff. Oh, and the kitchen's over there."

I don't know what school he went to, but I know your normal dorm doesn't have all this! Not that I'm complaining though, Felix thinks to himself as he surveys the room. He notices the bed is a bit rumpled. As he goes over to fix it, a green-haired boy pops out of sheets. "Hey!" he shouted, "Watch what you grab there!"

Felix is caught off guard, causing him to to to stumble and fall. "Whoops, sorry about that," says the green haired boy, realizing what he's done. "I didn't mean to make you fall. Wait a minute, you must be the new here! What's your name?" Felix is about to answer when Solis does it for him, "Felix Spark here is your roommate. He's come all the way from America so I hope you can get him to love it here in Japan. Get ready, boys, the first day of class is tomorrow so quickly get acquainted and go to bed." After Solis leaves, a blue haired boy comes out of the bathroom. "You know, it's rude to ask for someone's name without giving your own first." he says.

"I was going to," the green-haired boy replies, he then turns back to Felix,"my name's Ken Todoroki. That guy over there's my little brother Arashi."

"Arashi Namikaze. His stepbrother."

"I don't know why you feel the need to specify that all the time." Ken is looking rather upset.

"Well, I don't get why you get so upset about it all the time. I'm just being accurate."

Ken once again turns to Felix, saying "That's Arashi for you- he tells you like it is no matter how much it hurts." Ken then opens his bag, revealing his video games. "Hey, do they play games like these in America?" Felix nods yes. Ken stares at him for a second and then says, "You know how to speak don't you?"

"Maybe you're creeping him out. Staring at people isn't considered normal, Ken." said Arashi. "It's fine," says Felix. He picks up one of the games and says "We have this game in America, I'm used to playing it in English, but luckily, I learned how to read and write in Japanese." Ken grins, "That's great, I don't have to waste time teaching you the basics." He then pulls out some American movies,"If you win, I'll let you pick which movie we watch. How about it?" Felix agrees. "I might as well join you," sighs Arashi, "I won't get any sleep as long as you're up anyway." The boys enjoy playing video games and watching horror movies until midnight. At that point, Arashi puts his foot down and demands they go to bed.

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