Chapter 9 - Home to Avonlea

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Catching up on everything that happened in school while he was gone. Anne covered almost every highlight that had happened till now. Her way of explaining everything would make Gilbert burst in laughter quite a few times. Walking alongside each other in the streets of Corvale turned out to be surprisingly very pleasant , despite the cold that would send shivers down their spine from time to time.

"Oh Gilbert," she chuckled "I have totally forgotten to ask you what you were doing back here."

"I've also forgotten to tell you." Quickly responded Gilbert , not letting her put the blame all in herself.
"Guess we were enjoying ourselves too much , eh?" he beamed.

"A little too much." Her face suddenly brooded.
"Marilla and Matthew must be terribly worried. And ... it has darkened almost entirely." she said looking at moon that had started peeking in the sky. Gilbert was looking at the girl, genuinely concerned.

"I have to admit , It will be pretty scary to walk back alone... Although , imagining a frightened Marilla and Matthew gives me such courage," she took a deep breath and then continued
"I am hoping the moon shines brighter than ever tonight, so it lightens my way home. Actually..." she paused for a few seconds , her gaze ditching the mood and meeting Gilbert's,  her face lit up again.
"I think it's quite romantic to be accompanied home by the moonlight , don't you agree?"

Gilbert did not - or better could not respond to that. So many thoughts were going through his head , they robbed him from his speech.
It was amusing how she could find anything remotely romantic about the situation.
And she was brave , really brave.
But, he had not thought that she'd consider walking back home in the dark. Especially alone. That took him by surprise. Why would she think he would just abandon her? Has he not shown that he was better than that?

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert!" he finally spoke. His voice slightly tense.
"You must be out of you mind to think I would ever let you walk back alone!"
It was clear Gilbert had taken offense out of her words.

"No , it's not - I just .." the girl was struggling to find the right words to say.

Gilbert saw that he had put her in an uncomfortable situation that might lead to them arguing again. Sigh. Right when they were starting to become friends. It was up to him to fix it before it escalates to another fight.

"It's alright." he gave her a friendly smile.
"Would you and the moon mind some company?"

"We would not." Anne laughed. "But , I am afraid I'll have to say no , I don't want to cause you any disturbance."

"Well good thing I wasn't really asking."
He winked at her.
Anne looked away almost immediately, acting as she had not just seen that. She thought she did a good job at hiding it but her mouth was clearly curving up into a smile.

"Besides , me and Sebastian will ride you home" he added.


"He is a kind man I met while working on the docs. He owns a house in Corvale." he explained.
"The house is quite big , although he only shares it with his wife."

That made Anne think of Marilla and Matthew , what their lives could of been if they never adopted her ... It must be really sad to own a big house and not have a child to share it with. She was immediately curious , but she knew it was impolite to ask for more information. She couldn't help but feel sorry for Sebastian and his wife, even though she had not met them yet.

"He decided to take a break and go back home to see his wife whom he missed dearly. I realized that I , too , missed Avonlea and wanted to go back."

Gilbert had expected Anne to react to the news of him coming back differently , instead Anne didn't even look at him , she was was looking down. She did not look happy at all .. or at least slightly pleased by the news , like he had expected her to be.

It's not that Anne wasn't pleased to hear Gilbert was back. For school rivalry, of course. But , she remembered how she had said that he had never appreciated Avonlea or that he did not have the tiniest bit of imagination or any of the other thoughts she had at the time that she was going to say if her friend wouldn't have stopped her.
He really was not deserving of those. Or at least he isn't now. She was sure Gilbert had changed , maybe because of all the traveling he had done, they'd shaped him into another man.

"... Permanently." added Gilbert intentionally , hoping he'd get a better reaction , maybe she had misunderstood him.
Her glaze suddenly met his.

"I am glad." she smiled.

SO!!! I finally updated. Sorry for letting you guys wait. But at least the chapter is longer , so I hope that makes up for it.  I edited this many times , I don't really know if I like it or not but it had to he posted.

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