Chapter two - Gossip in Avonlea

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SUNRISE - One of Anne's favorite "earthly bliss" The yellow glow of the rising sun
gives her the gift of gratitude. How could we have been blessed with something so astonishingly stunning? And it's totally free! Ah life is wonderful! she thought , thanking God above for being alive in this pleasant day! She felt very optimistic, much better than yesterday. And she had set her mind that she wouldn't let anything ruin her mood today. Almost feeling like today's going to be special.
She changed from pajamas to her dress , which didn't even look like the same dress she wore everyday , it looked better than ever. She didn't even sigh at the fact that it didn't have puffed sleeves. When she got ready , she went downstairs where Marilla and Matthew were waiting for her to join them in breakfast.
"Good morning dear Marilla and Matthew!" she greeted them with a huge smile on her face.
"Good morning to you too young lady," Matthew greeted back , also with a huge smile in his face.
"Well , well now! You two look happier than ever," said Marilla, trying to remember if she had forgotten any important event that might be happening today.
"I am feeling so optimistic today Marilla , it's such a wonderful morning , don't you think?"
" Well , I don't see anything special , It looks like every other morning," said Marilla , until she recalled the spelling bee competition coming up soon "Is this about the spelling bee , Anne?" she asked.
"No .. actually I have completely forgotten about that," answered Anne " I am not really excited about it, I am certain I will come first. Well , unless Moody has miraculously gotten better," she laughed.
The rest of the morning with the Cuthberts was a delight as always , and the breakfast was lovely!

She was heading to school , a little earlier than usual , excited to see her friends. She even was excited about today's lesson , whatever that may be. Even though she never liked Mr. Phillips and she felt that the feeling was mutual. When she arrived in the school yard , she started scanning the place for her friends , who she found ... not in the way she was expecting to find them. Ruby was crying and the other girls were gathered around her trying to calm her down. They didn't even notice Anne coming , except Diana who gave her a warm yet worried smile.
"What has happened Diana?" Anne asked as she took a step closer to see what was really happening.
" Ruby got some unpleasant news today," Diana explained "but I am sure it's just nonsense gossip , she shouldn't worry," she proceeded to say while rubbing Ruby's back and giving her an encouraging smile.
Anne waited a bit for someone to explain what was this gossip that had upset her friend so much but given that nobody was enlightening her , she asked what is it they're talking about.
"Oh Anne!" cried Ruby "It's tragic!" Anne was still confused and even more worried than before but she didn't want to push Ruby too much , as she was sure she'd sooner or later find out.
"It's Gil.. Gilb-," she cried even harder struggling to say his name, which made Anne's heart skip a beat. She went blank , her face looking as she had seen a ghost. What has happened to Gilbert and why was everyone else other than Ruby so calm if they've just gotten tragic news?

Two chapters in a day whoo! Also I know this is shorter than the first one but hope u liked it nevertheless :)
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