Chapter 8 - in Corvale

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CONFUSED Anne Shirley was standing in front of a Gilbert Blythe who was trying his hardest not to laugh.
"You really are lost , eh?" asked Gilbert teasingly , an eyebrow raised.
"I am not." a very credible looking Anne had responded , her head up high with her arms crossed , which only made Gilbert more contentious. He really had missed their banter moments.
"I would've found them, if the lovely sun could hang on for a little longer.... guess she was tired." said Anne referring to the sunset , which Gilbert found amusing. He has always been fascinated with her use of words, they'd always put a grin in his face.
"Well , even the sun needs it's sleep" he said tilting his head but not breaking the eye contact with her.
"Exactly!" she exhaled and nodded in agreement (for the first time since they met!)
Maybe she had just found a new friend who understands her. Other than Diana of course. Gilbert noticed that the tension had started to leave the air , so he took the chance to tell her // very gently // that she was in Corvale , the small town right next to Avonlea. Although the two towns very neighbors and she had not gone too far away , it was more than enough to make Anne's cheeks as red as a blooming rose.
Gilbert , who didn't want to make her feel more humiliated , had told her he also struggled to find the "Fields of fire" the first time he visited them. He said he wandered around for at least two hours before he finally found them. Which was a lie. Anne believed him though , as she thought he wouldn't purposely humiliate himself to make her feel better. The thought of Gilbert also being lost before was comforting enough to her. A calmness finally had entered her soul and with it a sense of regret.
"I am so sorry for being impolite earlier, Gilbert..." said Anne , who quickly corrected herself - "..Mr.Blythe". Now that he had grown up and she hadn't seen him for more than a year , she thought it would be disrespectful to call him by his first name.
"Still Gilbert." the boy responded , giving her one of his best smiles.
A light rose color spread across her cheeks.
"Alright then , Gilbert , would you be so kind to show me the way back to Avonlea?"
"Oh.. sure .. sure-yeah ... yeah of course!" the boy mumbled, he had completely forgotten why he was there in the first place.
"This way," he lead the way , offering her his left hand to escort her much like he had done last winter , in their way to coffee shop before they said goodbye to each other.
They walked in silence for less than a minute , but it seemed way longer than that. At a point Anne wrapped her arms around herself, her teeth in her mouth chattered together and her skin chilled from the cold she was feeling.
"Anne! Where are my manners?" Gilbert said , very disappointed at himself for not thinking of this earlier. He quickly took off his coat and wrapped it around Anne's shoulders. "There you go." he said with a gentle smile.
"Thank you. That's very kind of you!" Shirley had smiled back at him ...which kind of made his heart bounce.


I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I had fun writing it.
Corvale is a made up place , it does not exist in the books but it does exist in my fanfic now lol.
Let me know if u liked this 💕

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