C H A P T E R 30

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The documentary was actually pretty delightful. I am now more aware of the threats that endangered animals face. But, I know that's not what you wanna know.

Jake doesn't know I found the journal. Why? I didn't tell him. He would've wanted to know what was wrong with my father, but I just didn't know what to expect.

So after the movie, I went back into my room and laid on my bed. I realised that I might be too nosey and I shouldn't be reading other people's private thoughts, but I don't know what else to do. My father and mother aren't telling Caden and I something;my father isn't okay, I know he isn't. But I need to know the secret there're both hiding, and I need to know why they aren't telling me.

Opening the book, I flipped to the page where the date on top was the same as the day he arrived at our front door. The day he came back.

June 16th

The day come. The day my children and wife, well ex- wife, wanted to see me. I have waited fourteen years for a signal or a sign to come back home, but each and everyday, nothing came. A girl, I'm guessing my daughters age, knocked on my door and showed me a picture of my children and I. She told me that my daughter wanted me to come back home and that she is in desperate need of help. This girl told me Isabella was hurt, that she fainted at the wave pool. Knowing this, I packed my things and rushed over. I needed to make sure she was okay; I couldn't live with myself if I didn't even tried to make things right.

He never told me that Payton said I was hurt. In fact, he never told me he knew about my accident at the pool.

Never mind, this girl lied and told me fake news. I arrived at my former house and faced my daughter. She didn't even recognise me, but when I told her I was her father, I was met with a door in my face. If only she knew what I'm going through, on top of this guilt of leaving my family.

My ex-wife and I talked. I told her my predicament and she started crying. She told me to stay strong and that I can stay for a while unless I pay some of the rent. I went back home and packed the rest of my things. I lived two hours away so it was a drive, but it was worth it. I know Bella might not understand why I left and she might blame it on herself , but I need to tell her what happened and why I did what I did.

Skipping the rest of the paragraphs, I flipped towards the date where my father and I went hiking for the first time.

July 2nd

My daughter and I went hiking today, just like I used to with Beth back in the day. It was beautiful on the hill. Just like it was when Beth and I went up there years ago. It was hard walking down the hill, my legs were striking needles and pain, but I pretended to be fine. For Bella's sake. She asked me why I left, I told her everything; well, not everything. I forgot to mention the main reason why I left, but she doesn't need to know yet. She's not ready to know yet. I told her i was running out of money, and that wasn't a lie. I was running out of money. I wasted the money on medical bills that were piling up. I left out the part that I left because of my disease. She was better off without me, a soon to be crippled father. Her and Caden didn't need to grow up, coming in and out of hospital just to see me. No children should go through that. I mean, how was I supposed to tell Bella I have Huntington's Disease, it would be too much to explain.

I stopped reading and closed the journal. He has Huntington Disease and he didn't tell me?

Did he think he could just disappear after the summer ends so his kids can continue living their lives while their father is losing everything?

Overtime, he's not going to be able to finish sentences, to hike up hills, or even eat. And he didn't think it was important to tell Caden and I, because heaven forbid we would have to live with a crippled father.

I'd rather have a crippled father than a father who left, afraid he'd disappoint his family with something he can't control.

Sure, I invaded his privacy, but I'm glad I did. If he's going to leave when I start school, I at least know what's wrong with him. I know that Payton told him to come back, but even he and I both know, he was going to come back anyways to spent at least some time with us, so we can have some memories before he is stuck in a hospital bed. He came back because he wanted us to have a father for once in our lives.

The worse thing about this, is that my mother knew. The one person I could count on to tell me everything, didn't think it was necessary to tell me that my father is in a critically condition.

How do I know how far along he is, he could already be losing so much and I have been clueless. Did they think we wouldn't find out?

Sooner or later, he wouldn't be alone to walk; he wouldn't be able to do normal tasks. Might as well tell Caden now not wait until
it's too late.

When I walked downstairs and headed to the living room, I lifted up the cushions on the couch and placed the brown, old book back in the hole. He would've notice that it was missing in the matter of hours, I had to return it.

"What are you doing?" My mother asked, standing in the doorway.

"Oh, you know, looking for the remote," I lied, searching around.

"Here," she said throwing me the black device. "Next time, check around before ruining the furniture. There's already a hole in the couch, don't make it worse," she explained.

"There's a hole in the couch?" I questioned, obviously knowing what she was talking about.

"Yeah, it always been there. Your father told me about it decades ago when he spotted it first. We are getting it fixed soon," she shrugged.

"Oh, sorry," I apologised.

"No big deal, for a second I thought you were trying to hide something," she laughed.

"Some people are really good at hiding secrets, aren't they," I stated.

"I suppose so, are you?" She asked.

"Nope, are you?"

"Dinners almost ready, go get changed into something more appropriate," she replied, diving the question.

However, she just gave me her answer. In fact, I already knew what she was hiding.


Authors note

I can't believe this story has 1k views!!!.THANK YOU SOOO MUCH❤️❤️❤️

Maja x

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