C H A P T E R 15

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I never really liked flying in airplanes. It hasn't really been my go to transportation method since I watched a couple of videos, where planes crash. I recommend not to do that before you go on a trip.

We are currently boarding the plane and I couldn't be more anxious. By 'we' I mean Caden, Mason and I. My mother and father are making sure all bags are in the plane before we take off. Apparently, sometimes the flight attendants forget to put your luggage on the plane and then you have to wait a couple of hours for it to be shipped to you. Crazy, right?

Mason came over this morning and joined my family for breakfast. It's kind of a tradition for my mother, Caden and I. We always eat breakfast the day before vacation. A nice meal as a family to start our adventures off. My mother always explained that it brings the family together, before we spend the next few weeks with each other.

In translation, it helps me not to rip Caden's head off before the plane journey. He's my brother so there is obviously going to be some rivalry between us.

Breakfast somehow lets us cope with each other for a couple hours. Mason and father talked about cars for a bit. Both of them are fanatics about the topic. Mason has three of his own cars and he named them all. My father has the old-fashioned cars from back in the day. He rides them two to three times in a year just to prove he is the owner of them.

Mason on the other hand, picks his car based on his mood. He's either happy, sad or angry most of the time.

Walking up the ramp into the plane, I walked through the rows of seats until I found my ticket number. Mason and I have seats next to each other and the other seat is a vacant. I'm really hoping that no-one sits there, just because I am awkward around strangers.If I don't know them, I don't intend to get to know them.

I'll admit that I am quite shy, but when someone just sits down comfortable it just makes me uncomfortable. Mason has ridden tons of planes in his past to visit his mother in the far away hospital when she was suffering from cancer. She was treated in the special expensive hospital that promised Mason and his father that his mother and wife will be alive.

Long story short, she didn't and his father sued them. Not only for getting their hopes up, but you'd think they could save someones life at the cost of how much they expect you to pay for the medical bills. Its insane and a part of me wished I knew Mason when he was going through all this so I could help him. It must've sucked.

"You excited?"

"For Florida? I am ecstatic," I laughed.

"Well I figured since I can practically feel the beams of happiness that's coming from you,"he teased.

"Don't try acting all chill about this. We are going to Florida!" I excitedly proclaimed, shaking Mason.

"Nooooo, really? I thought we were going to Wyoming," he sarcastically remarked.

"Why did you pick Wyoming out of all the fifty states?" I laughed.

"First thing that came to my head. Besides, have you ever been to Wyoming? Your looking to see a person in the whole state," he smirked.

"Yeah whatever. Get excited! Three weeks in the Sunshine State!" I exclaimed, nearly hopping out of my seat.

"You know how I asked if your excited?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, a bit confused.

"Point made," he laughed, shaking his head.

"Hello, this is seat B15, right?" a female voice asked.

"Yep," Mason replied.

"Oh, good I thought I was lost," she smiled and sat down, making me look over to her. She had big beautiful eyes and the best eyebrows I've ever seen.

"I'm Cecilia, but Cece is what I go by," she introduced, throwing Mason a smile and shaking my hand.

"I'm Mason and this is my friend Isabella," he replied. Ouch. There's that word again. Friend.

"Bella," I cut in.

"Nice to meet you," she smiled not even looking at me, but staring at Mason.

"So what part of Florida are you staying in?" Cece asked.

"Tampa," Mason replied, very quickly. I rolled my eyes and listened to the flight attendant talk but couldn't hear that well since Mason and Cece wouldn't shut up.

But I was quite distracted when a noticed a familiar brunette walking down the aisle of seats. What in the world is Jake doing here? He shot me a wind and a smile and quickly sat down in the seat behind me. I can't lie about how my heart is beating just by the sight of him, but I know he came with Caden, not for me.

Mason came with me but I think he forgot that part since all he's doing since Cece sat down was make googly eyes at her. At this moment, I wish I asked Mike to come with me. At least he would make me laugh and remind me that the plane ride will be fine.

Once the flight attendant realized no one was listening or paying any attention, she shut the microphone off and went to the front of the plane. Within three seconds later, the engine roared and we were making out way down the runway. I immediately tensed up when we started moving, but Mason never noticed. Jake did.

"Hey, you okay?" Jake whispered from behind me.

"Not the biggest fan of planes," I replied, shaking a little bit.

"I'm right here," he comforted, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked behind and smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled and closed my eyes.

The feeling of someone understanding you is by far the best. It might not be Mason, but Jake is even better. He has been there since the beginning and helped me through so much. I'm kind of glad he didn't think I was Beyonce and this stuck up girl.

He gave me a chance to prove everyone wrong and he helped me through it. I can't wait for this trip with him and Mason.

Some part of me is glad that Casey couldn't make it and Caden asked Jake to come on this trip. By far one of the best decisions ever made.

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