C H A P T E R 18

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Yesterday was very, interesting. After we finished the game, everyone dried off and Cece stayed over for dinner. I don't despise her, but she's not family. I hardly know her. So why she joined us for dinner is beyond me.

At the end of the night I just read a book. I didn't have enough energy to deal with anymore drama. My father barely spoke a word to me last night and same with my brother.Did I do something wrong? It seems like everyone is mad at me and I have no clue why.

Jake and I are good, but Mason and I haven't been that close and it really upsets me. I couldn't sleep last night knowing that maybe this is it. Like our friendship is done, but why does it have to be? All because another girl is in his life? I need to get over it because if it makes him happy, I should be happy for them. Not plotting against their relationship.

So right now, at this very moment, I don't care. I don't like him. I am happy for both of them.This is me turning a new leaf. I can't keep holding grudges over my father and I can't keep ignoring him. Even though I hate to admit it, he's still my father. And I also can't keep playing Mason and Jake.

I need to pick one, because it's been driving me insane. I need to stop being selfish and own up to my situations. Starting now.

I walked downstairs and sat on one of the bar stools over the kitchen. My grandmother had this tradition that every Friday morning she makes pancakes, eggs and bacon. Not that I'm hungry or anything, but the smell always makes me happy.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it needs to be celebrated with family. Not just a simple bowl of cereal and milk. An actual breakfast is needed at some point in life an my grandmother makes sure it is succeeded.

"Good morning grandma," I smiled, walking downstairs.

"Well hello honey, what are you doing up so early, it's only seven o'clock?"

"I decided to go for a run," I replied.

"Good for you, if you see the neighbor outside, can you please tell him thank you for the fruits?" She asked.

"For sure," I promised, heading towards the door.

"Oh! And be back for breakfast. We are eating breakfast as a family, no random girls this time," she winked making me laugh.

"Of course grandma, love you," I stated, walking back towards her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Keep smiling dear, it looks good on you," she complimented, making me smile harder, I'm a new me.

"I promise I will, thank you," I laughed and walked outside.

I absolutely love Florida when it's really early. It's not too hot and not too cold; it's perfect. I haven't been doing running for a while now, but I'm starting again from as of today. This makes my me clean my mind.        

Usually on runs, I go somewhere and sit there for a little while, but this time I don't think I will.

Sitting down is like taking a break, not that taking a break is bad. It is sometimes needed, but it also wastes time. Go slower if you feel the need to take a break or start walking.

If you sit you, are wasting precious time when you could be doing or coming across something beautiful. The beach house is on the beach, so I'm going to run the shoreline. To feel the water touching my feet as I run, is by far the best feeling; even though I say that about almost everything.

"Hey, I'm back!" I screamed throughout the house. It was already nine o'clock, so most people should be up.

I walked towards thee kitchen to see my grandma setting the table and my father on a chair, writing in him journal. I say I need to stop holding grudges, I mean it.

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