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*Same day*

Do you ever get those deja vu moments?

They can appear at any time during any day and it just bugs you so much? I get those feelings constantly and I'd try and think on what I might've done that is related to the activity I'd be doing and I would always end up stumped.

The reason I brought up this topic was because I just had one. We were driving down a rocky path and all of a sudden my mother had hit the breaks and everyone flew to the front.

It ended up being a mother duck and baby ducklings crossing the road to get to the pond on the other side. During this whole thing, my mind went blank and a feeling that I've been in this car some other time while ducks passed by popped into my brain, I sat there and thought of any possible moment on what the ducks remind me of, but I just couldn't think of anything and I still can't.

Besides that, we arrived at my grandmother's beach house about ten minutes ago.

During the whole two hour car ride from the airport to the beach house, everyone was dead silent. Mason was texting Cece, Jake fell sleep, Caden was texting Casey and I was listening to music.

My father was writing in a journal and my mother was obviously focusing on the road. The whole time two thoughts were running through my head. One, what was Cece and Mason talking about that made Mason occasionally smile and two, what was so important for father to write in his journal and why did he have one in the first place. I would try and read what my father was writing over his shoulder, but I'd be on the weirdest angle or the sun would be hitting the page to make it impossible to read.

I walked up to my bedroom that I will be staying in for the next three weeks.

My grandmother redecorated the room a while ago for me to come over and visit, but I never had a chance before it and man, I loved it.My grandma is definitely a fashion guru and she is my go-to decorator.

Like, wow. Mason and Jake will be sharing a two bed room with a bunk bed and a view of the ocean. Caden has a room to himself since my grandma decorated a room for him too. My mother will be staying in my grandma's room, while my father sleeps on a futon downstairs.

My grandma really isn't really found with my father, so she was excited to see him. That's why he's sleeping on the futon, but I don't think he cares. He must be used to it.

"Hey," Mason smiled, knocking on the now open door."Nice room," he complimented, sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.

"Thanks, my grandmother decorated it and repainted it too," I explained, unpacking clothes into my dresser.

"Listen, are we good?" He straight up asked, but you could tell he was stressed out.

"What do you mean?" I asked obviously wanting him to ask the most basic question.

"Did Cece come between our friendship? Because that is not what I wanted," he explained.

"You tell me the answer to that; if you like Cece, not like your friendship liking, but like like her?" I asked, not looking him in the eye.

"She makes me happy," Mason said quietly.

"Then I'm happy you found someone as great as her," I shrugged.

"What's going on between you and Jake?" He asked.

"We are just friends."

"Oh please Isabella," he rolled his eyes.

"I swear we are just friends," I swore.

"Alright, alright, one more question."he insisted.

"Would it be okay if Cece came swimming with us today?" He asked.

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