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Kobra Kid: Well?

Party Poison: Well what?

Girl: It was a girl.

Girl was sitting on Kobra Kid's lap eating Power Pup while the rest of us sat on the floor just to change it up from the normal booth-sitting we do. Frankie hadn't looked at me for the twenty minutes of silence that we'd been out in the main room. He wasn't even holding my hand.

Jet Star: Well?

Party Poison: WELL WHAT?!

Jet Star: Was she hot?

Fun Ghoul got up and stormed into his room, slamming the door extra loud so he knew we'd hear. I rolled my eyes and glared at Jet Star. He rolled his eyes.

Jet Star: We were all wondering it, even Ghoul.

Party Poison: No, she was not. And I'm pretty sure Ghoul DIDN'T want to know, Jet.

Girl: Yeah he did.

Party Poison: Why are you even in here?

Girl: Because it's easier to hear you guys here than through a door.

Kobra laughed and shook his head.

Party Poison: You guys are ridiculous. I'm going to Dr. Death's, need anything?

Jet Star: Usually I'm the one who goes...

Party Poison: I will fight you.

Jet Star: Jesus, calm down, you can go. Not like I was complaining. And yes, we need supplies, I'll grab my list real quick.

Jet Star got up and ran to the kitchen to grab the list of supplies we needed from Dr. Death.

Girl: I'll go too!

Kobra Kid: Me too! I want a girlfriend!


I decided that Jet Star can go some other time for supplies, besides, that's not what I was going for anyways. I left the Station with Vaya and headed towards Dr. Death's place. The Dr. hasn't left his home since the after party of our last BL/ind raid a few years ago, so he always looks forward to our meetings. I don't see him often, but Jet Star sees him every month for supplies.

Danger Days (Keep Running 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя