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Party Poison: Frankie

I prodded at Fun Ghoul's face for him to wake up. His lip quivered a bit but other than that I got no response.

Party Poison: C'mon babe, you gotta go to your room before the guys wake up.

Fun Ghoul frowned and hid his head in my arm pit. I leaned my head back in slight frustration. He always takes forever to wake up, but it is pretty cute.

Party Poison: Babe, you gotta go

At this Fun Ghoul peeked one eye out to look at me.

Fun Ghoul: Morning Princess

Party Poison: You gotta get out of here

Fun Ghoul: Okay

Fun Ghoul wrapped an arm around my stomach and cuddled into me even further. He does this every morning. I finally sighed and unlatched my arm from around him and sat up, flinging him off of me in the process. He groaned and curled up into a ball.

Party Poison: Frankie, you gotta get out of here, the sun is already up, Kobra Kid is gonna wake up soon

Fun Ghoul: Please let me stay, why can't they know?

Party Poison: Frankie!

Fun Ghoul: Ugh, fine! Don't hold the door for me or anything.

I rolled my eyes and yawned. I didn't get very much sleep, too busy admiring the beauty that is Frankie. I of course watched him walk away because DAMN he has a nice ass. He's also adorably short. When he was gone I pulled the covers off of me and swung my legs over the edge of my bed. I'm facing my now completely destroyed closet, which makes me roll my eyes again.

Kobra Kid: Morning.

Party Poison: Hey

I look at my brother standing in the door way that Fun Ghoul had recently exited from.

Kobra Kid: What was Ghoul doing in here?

Party Poison: Just saying good morning, he said he didn't sleep well.

Kobra Kid: Mhm...

I looked at Kobra with wide eyes, as if to ask if he knows. He just winks and walks away. I groan louder this time and flop backwards onto my bed. Why did he have to leave so late?!

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