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Walking into the cover of the woods, Jasmine shook with sobs. She nearly dropped Her younger sister's body as she finally crumpled to her knees. Managing to lower her body gently onto the forest floor, Jasmine cradled Ashlyn's face in her hands.

"Oh god." Jasmine sobbed brokenly, not bothering to look around for any dangers.

Staying out there for hours, time was of no consequence to her. She simply held her sister and cried. Ashlyn had been her last hope of the real world; the last hope that innocence wouldn't be truly lost here. Hope that everyone would survive!

Brady was left without his twin, Jasmine could never imagine how that would feel. But she had also lost a sister, someone she watched over for since before her first birthday. 'Her death was my fault. I'm not fit enough to be in this world. I'm not good enough.' Jasmine thought.

Twigs crackled behind Jasmine and she refused to move. She wouldn't look and if something happened to her then that was her punishment.

"Darlin'?" Daryl questioned. "What are ya doin' out here?"

He hadn't seen the body yet and Jasmine refused to answer him. He continued to make his way around to the front of her and then saw Ashlyn in all her dead glory. She was struggling to reach Jasmine's face with her arms but she held her down, continuing to sob out her name.

"Jasmine what the hell!" Daryl yelled and pulled Ashlyn away from the crying girl.

"Don't do it Daryl! I'll never forgive you!" She screamed at him, lunging for his arm that was about to impale a knife into Jasmine's zombiefied sister's skull.

"Ye damn well know ya aint gonna do it. Let me do this for ya" He said, searching the girl's eyes.

Jasmine stood still, knowing he was right but also torn between if she should do it or not. Finally nodding ,she turned around and fell down on all fours, beginning to dry heave and sob again. Jasmine heard the groans cut off and then felt the arms on her back.

"Shh, yer alright. Its okay" Daryl consoled her, rubbing her back and then lifting Jasmine up.

"You-you just gonna leave her here?" She stammered out, staring back at the brown hair splayed around the angelic face.

"Ima get ya to the tent and then ima come back and get her."

Jasmine stayed silent and just shivered in his arms as she let him carry her back. He went to his tent and deposited her on the sleeping bag, pulling her boots off and throwing a shirt at her.

"Ye need to change yer shirt. Got blood everywhere" He motioned towards Jasmine's back cami and then left.

Jasmine didn't care about changing but pulled the shirt off and put Daryl's larger sleeveless flannel on nevertheless.

Laying down, Jasmine kept relieving the nightmare that was losing her sister. A small part felt bad that she wasn't grieving for Dale yet she knew she was. His death had affected her even if it was nowhere near as close as her sister's. Dale had been the father to everyone in the group. He had given her reassuring smiles and made sure she was alright in the short time the Kennedy's had known them. Jasmine was more saddened over Dale than her own father's death.


Daryl Dixon carried the girl towards the hole he had dug under a big oak tree. Dale's grave was already filled in right beside this one. The group was gathered around, minus Jasmine.

Daryl lowered the body into the hole and then began to shovel the dirt on top of it. Hershel spoke a few words on how wonderful that Ashlyn had been while Brady and Carl sobbed.

Maggie was holding Beth, both were crying as well. Glenn stood behind Maggie with his arm on her shoulder and Andrea had her head on his shoulder, holding herself up as best as she could. Merle and Daryl stood apart after Daryl finished the grave. No death would ever bring them closer to this group, especially Jasmine's sisters. They both felt a certain kinship towards the twins and while Merle wasn't one to admit it, he would do whatever he could to keep the last two Kennedy's safe.

Jasmine stayed in Daryl's tent for well over a week. She said nothing and did nothing, preferring to stare at the ceiling numbly. Everyone tried to get her to come out but she just wouldn't and finally Merle had had it.

"Queenie you best git yer ass out this tent right now!" Merle howled, storming through the zippered opening. "Ye stink ta high heaven and yer skinny as a stick!"

Jasmine just stayed quiet, not even acknowledging his presence.

"Ima give ya ta the count of three then I'm dumpin ya in the lake!"

Still no response. Merle frustratedly picked Jasmine up and carried her outside. She literally weighed as much as a feather and he began to grow panicked. She was starving herself.

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