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Waking up the next morning, Jasmine smiled as she felt Daryl's arm still around her waist. Usually he was already up and gone but Jasmine was happy that today wasn't the case. She turned in his arms and stared at the handsome man sharing her bed. Daryl's face was serene and he seemed more vulnerable now. I will protect this man from anything. I love him so much, Jasmine thought, shocked at how easy it was to admit she loved him.

Daryl's eyes suddenly flickered open and he smiled lazily at her. Jasmine felt herself caught up in his vibrant blues ​​and she found herself blushing, remembering their fiery kiss.

"Mornin' beautiful." Daryl said, moving to push her hair behind her ear.

"Good morning," Jasmine said, not wanting to look away from him. "I uh, I wanna tell you something."

"Yeah?" Daryl asked, watching her.

"I just, it's just that every moment we have is precious and I don't want to lose you, without you knowing how I feel. I know your not good at this, hell I'm not either. But I like you a lot Daryl Dixon and ​​​​​​if I happen to die today, I want you to know that. I love every moment with you and I wouldn't trade that for anything."

Daryl stared at her and then smiled. "I like you too, girly. Now get up before Brady comes runnin' in 'ere."

Jasmine laughed and got up slowly, stretching her tan arms and moving her hair out of her eyes. Daryl watched as the beauty then stood up, revealing long tan legs ​​​​​​​​, her body only encased in a sports bra and a pair of his short boxers.

"What are we Daryl?" Jasmine asked, noticing how his gaze lingered on her form.

"Well yer mine, is that what yer askin'?" He answered, getting up with a groan.

"So your my boyfriend then?" She asked, blushing slightly.

"We are in a damn zombie apocalypse, yer not only my girl, yer my forever." Daryl said, shocking her and causing her to grin hugely.

Daryl then kissed Jasmine breathless and made his way to the shower, "Ya comin'?"

Jasmine nodded and while they haven't had sex yet, she was ready to jump his bones, but she was going to let him wait to make the first move. She was still shy about all these new things and feelings and didn't want to rush anything.

While Jasmine and Daryl were taking a shower, Vanessa had transitioned and had already attacked Victor and was about to get to Rebecca, unbeknownst to the others in the community. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Rick heard a scream and took off towards the house that the new group stayed in, shoving Shane out of his way. Rick opened the door to find Rebecca trying to push the zombie Vanessa off of her, but before Rick could shoot Vanessa, she had taken a chunk out of Rebecca's arm. Rebecca was screaming and crying, holding her now bloodied arm. Vanessa was shot and then more growls erupted, Rick and Jacob turned to see Victor stumbling down the stairs. Rick shot Victor and Rebecca cried harder at the loss of her husband.

"Oh my god." Lori shrieked, seeing a dead Vanessa and Victor and bitten Rebecca. ​​"How did this happen?"

"My guess is that one of them were bitten before coming here or died in the night. ​​Then reanimated." Shane said, moving to put a bullet in the now unmoving Rebecca's head.

"Did you know your sister was bitten?" Rick demanded of Jacob, seeing his sickly expression.

"No-No. She would've told me." Jacob said, shaking his head.

"Was she actin funny?" Rick questioned.

"I mean she said she hurt her leg and was walking kinda funny, but she was fine last night." Jacob answered.​​​​​​​​​​

Shane checked the corpses leg and saw that there was indeed a bite there. "Thought she woulda told ya?"

Jacob didn't reply, only started to sob into his hands.

"Come on, lets git those bodies outta 'ere." Merle said, walking in on the mess of bodies.

So the group then begun to dig a hole to have a mass grave for the fallen. Jacob couldn't bring himself to help, he hated himself for letting his sister hurt these people.

"Daryl?" Jasmine asked, washing the conditioner out of her hair.

"Wha'?" Daryl asked, trying to get all the soap off of his body.

"You wont ever leave me will you?"

"Nah darlin'."


"I promise."​​​​​​

Satisfied with this answer, Jasmine moved to turn the water off and get a towel.

"Yer not gonna leave me ever are ye?" Daryl asked, looking down.




​​​​​​​​​​​​She dried her body quickly and then changed into jeans and a long sleeve black shirt with her leather jacket over it. She pulled her boots on and kissed Daryl before walking downstairs and out of the house. Jasmine saw the freshly made grave and her mouth gaped open.

"What happened!" Jasmine yelled, running over to Shane, Rick, and Merle.

"Seems like Vanessa was bitten and turned. She killed Victor and Rebecca." Shane answered and then stalked off.

"She would have told us!" Jasmine yelled.

"Honeypouch, chill out. She didn't tell nobody and that's that." Merle answered, moving to put his arm around her shoulders. He pulled her off towards the courtyard so they could sit down.

"This is utter bullshit." Jasmine muttered.

"Wanna go on a run today?" Glenn asked the two sitting down, as he walked up.

Jasmine and Merle agreed and went to get their weapons.

"'Ey baby brudder! Me Honeypouch and Chinaman are goin on a run." Merle yelled to Daryl who was coming down the stairs.

"Want me to come?" Daryl asked, looking at ​​​​​​​​​Jasmine for the answer.

Jasmine shook her head, feeling as though something bad was going to happen and not wanted Daryl to have that fate.

Daryl nodded and walked off with his crossbow on his back. Merle, Jasmine, and Glenn met up at one of the cars and quickly left. They headed in the opposite direction of Walmart, hoping to come across something that would be easy to search. The group found a Giant and pulled over ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​to loot it. Jasmine was behind the two men about to follow them into the store when an arm came across her neck and a hand clamped down on her mouth.

"Now now now, what do we have here?" A man's raspy voice demanded and Jasmine kicked backwards trying to get out of his hold. She swung her arms around and managed to get her elbow to find purchase in his stomach. He grunted but only his hand moved, coming off of her mouth.

"MERLE!" Jasmine screamed, trying desperately to reach for knife in her pocket. "MERLE HELP!"

The man slapped her and she fell to the ground, slamming her head on the thick asphalt. The last thing she saw before she fell into the blackness was the man dragging her to a red ford focus and Merle running towards her.​​​​​​

*********Authors Note************

Okay, so tell me what you think about these new chapters!

I'd like yall to picture Jacob as Taylor Lautner, Emmett as Kellin Lutz, Rebecca as Victoria Pendleton, Victor as Sean Patrick Flannery,and Rebecca as Rebecca black.

Who do you think has kidnapped Jasmine !?!?​​

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