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"What the hell is she talkin bout boy!" My father's voice called out, shocking me out of my revere.

I looked towards Lincoln and saw him holding his neck, blood pouring through his fingers and he struggled desperately to stay calm and not show any pain.

"It just came out of nowhere, I-I don't, I-I cant." He tried to speak but only fell to the ground in pain.

I started to cry, ready to run towards him. Strong hands held me back though.

"Lil lady, I don't think ye need ta be near him jus yet" Merle's strong voice sounded as he held me against his chest. I sobbed struggling to be free.

"Let me go!" I yelled and elbowed him in his stomach. He grunted and his grip eased and I used that to my advantage. The next thing I knew, I was next to Lincoln, holding his head in my hands. "Please Linc, don't do this. Please"

I could feel my heart breaking. My only protector. The only person I had left that believe in me and this world was brutally taking him from me.

"Please don't leave me with him!" I whimpered as I watched his face.

"Darlin' I lo-love you so much. Your gonna be okay...Don't let it all break ya" Linc's voice sounded quietly. "Take care...the twins. Stay strong. I love.."

With the last word, his voice stopped. His head drooped down towards the ground and his body went limp. How could he just leave me like this!

"Lincoln!" I cried, shaking his body roughly. "Lincoln dammit! Don't you leave me here! Lincoln"

My voice broke on his name and I couldn't comprehend how this could even happen. He was always so strong. He helped me through everything. I stared down at the blood on my hands, wishing I could just reverse time. I felt stirring underneath my arms and I jumped up.

"Linc?" I asked quietly and was met with a small groan. "Oh, Linc! I knew you'd be okay!"

Looking back on it, I probably should have realized that I was being naïve. I knew what would have happened but my subconscious was so against it that I honestly thought he was still alive..still human.

His head snapped up and he reached for me. Instead of grabbing me though he grabbed Ashlyn. He pulled her roughly to him, throwing me away from them both, and before I could stop him, he took a chunk out of her small arm.

"NO!" I screamed, knowing it was too late. I heard a gunshot and saw my brother's head hit the dirt for the last time, no movement coming from him. Ashlyn was screaming, holding her forearm and shaking.

"Ash?" Brady's small voice whispered, looking to his twin.

Where was everyone? I felt like I couldn't move, like a million bricks were on my chest and I couldn't breathe.

I saw one last face before I started to convulse, a dirty grimy redneck face with beautiful blue eyes.

"Darlin'?" The man asked, looking unsurely down at the woman in the dirt. She started to shake and convulse, spit coming out of her mouth.

"She's having a seizure!" A voice yelled out to the man and he quickly held her arms down.

"Jasmine!" Brady yelled focusing on his older sister. 'God,' he thought, 'Please don't take everyone.'

Daryl took his wallet from his back pocket and stuck it in her mouth, remembering the times he did it for his mother so she wouldn't bite her tongue off.

"Common lil boy" Merle's voice showed no argument as he swept the crying Brady up and took him to the Dixon's tent.

Meanwhile, Jack Kennedy was looking down at his dead son. His brain was blown out and his body was distorted. Where did he ever go wrong? His prized son dying, left him with his worthless, piece of shit for a daughter, and the useless brats.

Well actually one useless brat. The little bitch would be dead soon too. He looked towards the little girl, being cradled by that rough redneck-Merle. 'What the fuck is going on in this fuckin world. I have nothing left'

Merle held Ashlyn close to him as she cried, Brady in his other arm. If anyone had ever asked him if he would have liked kids, he would spit on the ground and call em good for nothin' brats. But he wasn't about to let little honeypouch down. She was havin enough of a bad time and he vowed he would help her with this situation. He shook his head roughly, almost chuckling at the soft ass pussy he seemed to be.

'Jus helpin ma baby brudder ta score.' Merle Dixon thought as he heard another gunshot ring out through the camp.

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