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*Genesis POV*

The pack arrived and guiding them in was a pack warrior and friend of mine called James. I gave him a wink before he smirked back to me.

As he stepped out of the way, I saw Millie and Alex. I wanted to run to them and hug them tightly but they didn't know it was me.

They don't know me.

They were the first ones to show kindness to me after the hell I went through. I needed to thank them for that but it wasn't the right time.

"Dear all, please follow me and Alpha Exodus into the gardens. My pack is waiting there for you all." I announced.

Everyone bowed to me in respect as I guided them out into the gardens.

Everyone squeezed into the garden and took their seats, smiling at my pack members. I walked through them all and high fived some of the children in my pack before shooting my parents a loving look.

I went to the end with Alpha Exodus standing by my side.

Where he belongs. Emmie hummed.

I coughed before addressing the packs.

"As some of you know, I am Alpha Vera. I am the daughter of previous Alpha King and Luna Queen, Wren and Amalie." I announced.

My pack smiled and a couple of the warriors whistled earning a few chuckles throughout the crowd. I laughed along with them before continuing.

"Alpha Exodus and me have had a meeting regarding a rogue problem that effects many pacts. I have suggested that we are to come together and train. Me and my pack will help train you all so you are able to fight your enemies by yourselves."

Exodus looked at me and I tried to ignore the fluttering my heart was feeling.

"If needed, my pack will travel to yours and assist you."

A lot of the pack members looked relieved.

"We have a spare pack house, my beta will give you your assigned rooms. We will have training from 7am until 12. An hour for lunch and then 2pm until 7pm. Times before and after these you may do as you please. I expect everyone to be quiet after 11pm. My pack warriors have strict training schedules and I will not tolerate any disturbances." I said firmly.

"You will train Monday to Friday and weekends are yours to do as you please. Children will join my pack children in attending lessons to keep grades up. I want no tardiness." I joked, winking at the children who were sat along the front.

"Also, if anyone meets their mates, please come to me and Alpha Exodus. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you soon." I finished before stepping back.

Everyone clapped and my warriors sent whistles my way making me laugh.

I had definitely come a long way from being the scared little girl who couldn't even speak.

As I walked away back inside, Exodus followed me.

"You did well up there." He said, smiling.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him. I knew he was my mate but there wasn't anything about him that appealed to me. Of course, he appealed to my wolf in each and every way but his human side was nothing that I desired.

I smiled back to him before walking into my office.

I sat down at my desk and Exodus sat down opposite me.

"Alpha Exodus-" I started but was interrupted by him insisting that I call him Exodus without adding Alpha before.

I nodded before starting again. "Tell me, Exodus. Not that I am judging or anything but why did you come to me for assistance? I have heard about the things your pack had accomplished since you took on the role at such a young age." I said, leaning back into the chair.

He sighed and looked down at his hands.

"It's my fault. I lied to you before. I have met my mate but I chased her off." He coughed, attempting not to cry.

I was surprised. He was finally being honest.

"Why?" I asked, fidgeting in my seat.

"Truth is. When she stumbled onto my pack territory and I saw her, I felt annoyed. My father died looking for her and my actions made it so that my parents died for nothing." He said rubbing his eyes.

I hadn't heard this part of the story before.

"Your parents died looking for your mate?" I repeated, confused.

"Yes. When I was sixteen, my father got a call informing him that a friend Alpha Jonathan of Silver back pack had been murdered along with his wife. It was also said that their daughter was taken by the rogues. She was only eleven." He said sadly.

I nodded for him to continue.

"Anyway, my father said he owed his friend to find his daughter. So my father and your father went to look for Genesis. They were then attacked and the King barely made it out alive." He said.

"My father never told me this." I said furrowing his brows.

"Not surprised, it was a hard time. Anyway your father thought that Genesis was dead so everyone stopped looking. Almost four years ago, Genesis stumbled into my pack and I treated her awfully. I ignored her when she needed me the most. I said some awful things and now she is out there somewhere thinking I hate her. In reality, I loved her the second I saw her despite my stupid actions. I just wasn't ready for her. I am going to spend the rest of my life looking for her and trying to make it up to her." He sighed.

This was my perfect opportunity to reveal myself.

Just as I was about to, the door flew open.

"Jesus. Sammy. Brake pedal seriously." I groaned putting my hand to my heart. He laughed as did Alpha Exodus. "Sorry guys. Just wanted to say that lunch has been prepared."

"If it isn't an emergency, why don't you knock?" Exodus asked laughing as he got to his feet. "Because, I love scaring the crap out of her." Sammy laughed. I growled. "You will pay for this Sammy. I will get my revenge." I warned, raising my brows.

Sammy held his arms out before smiling.

"In other news, I actually met my mate. She's the betas sister in Alpha Exodus' pack. With your permission, may she join this pack." I jumped up and down and ran over before jumping onto Sammy, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Oh. Sammy this is great news. After all, you aren't getting any younger." I joked. He pushed me away before rolling his eyes. "I will have you know that I am twenty-five." He said, pretending to flick back hair.

I smirked and placed my hands on my hips.

"Anyway, I would love to meet her."

The rest of the evening went well. I met Olivia and she was perfectly lovely. They seemed perfect for each other. The packs sat together outside and I took this as my opportunity to meet all the members of the pack that I hadn't met when I was there.

The entire night, I felt myself staring at Exodus. At some points, I believe he felt that I was staring, so he would turn back and look at me before smiling.

I felt satisfied that he had changed and I wanted to go to him but the timing wasn't right.

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