The Freshman loves the Sophomore (9)

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"Sophie! Bryson! Samantha!" Dad yelled from downstairs. "Marina and I have something to tell you guys!"
I ran downstairs and sat on the couch. Samantha came running behind me and Bryson dragged himself out of his room.
It was a Saturday in the middle of November. It was chilly outside and the leaves were changing. It was also a week before Thanksgiving.
Once the three of us were seated, Dad and Marina, his girl friend, started talking. Dad and Marina have been getting really close lately. Once the divorce became official, Dad introduced Marina to Bryson, Samantha, and I. She was a very nice lady- perfect for Dad.
"We have some news." Marina said in the kind tone she always uses.
Dad smiled at us. "Marina and I are getting married!"
It was silent.
I said nothing. Bryson didn’t move. Samantha just looked at dad.
"Isn't that exciting?!" Dad said.
I swallowed. "Awesome." I was confused. I really didn’t know how to react. This was just so soon.
"Cool, dad." Bryson gave dad thumbs up. "I'm so happy." He didn't sound happy at all. He sounded scared. "Really."
Samantha broke out in tears. "No, Daddy!"
Finally! Someone’s honest around here!
Dad scooped up Samantha. "It's ok, Sammy. You like Marina. She's nice, right?"
Marina smiled at Samantha.
"No! What about mommy?" Samantha yelled and broke away from Dad.
Dad sighed. "Marina's your new mommy."
Samantha pouted and crossed her arms. "I don't want a new mommy!"
"Sammy..." Dad trailed off.
I finally spoke up. "Samantha, Daddy's happy with Marina." I paused and chose my words carefully. "Mommy... Had to... Leave us and she... sent Marina... to be our new mommy."
"Mommy liked Marina?" Samantha asked me.
I nodded. "Yes, she did very much."
Marina opened her arms towards Samantha. Samantha leaped forward and hugged Marina. Dad hugged the both of them. Bryson and I looked at each other. We joined in the family hug too.
Marina and Dad got married on December third. It was a small wedding in the backyard. Laura, Carson, Amelia, and Bob were invited along with Grandpa Mike and Grandma Lucy, Auntie Doris and Uncle Don and cousins Mia, Taylor, and Finn. Marina invited her parents too, along with her sisters, Kim and Nina, and her nephew, Zane.
The day after the wedding, Marina and Dad left for their week long honeymoon to Hawaii. Amelia and Bob took care of Bryson, Samantha, and I when they were gone.
About two weeks before Christmas, Dad and Marina called us into the living room again for another family meeting.
"We have more news." Dad said.
"Marina's pregnant!" Bryson blurted.
Marina laughed. "Close."
Dad looked at her. "Tell them."
"We're adopting a baby." Marina told us. She was beaming with happiness. "His name is Jackson. Your dad and I are getting custody of him next weekend."
I smiled. "Awe- a little baby!"
"I'm going to be a big sister!" Samantha exclaimed proudly.
Bryson nodded. "Finally, another boy in the house!"
Dad laughed at our excitement. "Today Marina and I are going to get baby furniture. Who's coming?"
I shook my head. "I told Laura I'd go to her house."
"And I'm going out with some friends." Carson said. I could tell he was lying.
"What about you, Sammy?" Dad asked Samantha.
"I'm coming!" She yelled.
The three of them left a few minutes later.
I ran into Carson's room before he left. "So where are you really going?"
He swallowed. "On a date."
"With...?" I asked
"Her name's Jasmine." Carson replied. "It's a double date with Ian and his girlfriend Christina."
I raised my eyebrows. "Won't Laura be mad?"
He nodded. "I don't like Jasmine though. I'm just going for Ian. He really wanted me to go. Christina and Jasmine are good friends. Christina said Jasmine liked me and Ian said I'd go."
"Poor Laura." I mumbled.
"Don't tell her, Sophie." Bryson begged. "Please!"
"I won't." I lied.
Bryson walked out of his room and I followed.
He walked out of the house and I said goodbye.
I locked up then went to Laura and Carson's house.
I knocked rapidly on their front door.
"Hey Sophie." Carson said as he answered the door.
I quickly hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Where's Laura?" I asked as I let myself in.
"Her room. Why?" Carson replied.
I ran upstairs to her room and burst through the door.
"Laura! It's an emergency!" I exclaimed.
Laura looked at me confused. "Huh?"
I sighed and sat on her bed. "Bryson's going on a date with some girl named Jasmine." I blurted. "He says he doesn't like her though. Bryson's only going because it's a double date with Ian and Christina. Jasmine likes Bryson though."
Laura swallowed. "Really?" She paused. "Oh well."
"Wait..." I was now the confused one. "You’re not mad?"
She shook her head. "No. I've moved on."
I cocked my head to the side. "What?"
"Bryson's waited too long. He's not worth it anymore." Laura replied.
I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"
"Yeah. I like someone new. His name's Ron." Laura said.
I laughed. “What kind of name is Ron?”
Laura rolled her eyes. “Don’t judge.”
Then Carson stepped into the room. "Everything ok?"
"Now it is." I muttered.
Carson laughed. "So what are we doing, Sophie?"
"Hey, wait a minute! She's my best friend, not yours!" Laura said standing up and putting her hands on her hips.
I giggled.
"She's my girlfriend!" Carson shot back.
"Sorry Laura." I said walking towards Carson. "I'm hanging out with him today."
Laura stood there in shock. "Why?"
Carson put his arm around my waist. "We never do anything."
Laura pouted. "Whatever."
Then Carson and I walked down the hall.
We went into the living room and sat on the couch.
We just looked at each other for a few moments. Then I looked down and giggled.
Carson grabbed my hand and held it in his.
I looked up and smiled.
He started leaning closer.
Then our lips touched.
We sat there and kissed for several minutes.
Then we both got bored.
"Can we play some MW3?" I asked.
Carson smiled and nodded. "You like that game?"
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "I play it every weekend when I have free time." I paused. "Bryson taught me how to play a few weeks ago."
Carson chuckled. "That's cool."
I smiled. "Bring it on."
Carson and I took turns playing MW3 for a few hours.
Then I had to go home.
"See you tomorrow?" I said before I left.
He nodded and kissed my lips. "Of course."
I blushed. "Bye."
Carson waved as I walked out the door.
As I walked home I thought of two things: The kiss and all the butterflies in my stomach.

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